IPFD International Dog Health Workshops
The 1st International Dog Health Workshop (IDHW) was organized by the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) and held in June 2012 in Stockholm. The 2nd IDHW was co-hosted by IPFD and the German Kennel Club (VDH) and held in Dortmund, Germany in February 2015. The 3rd IDHW was co-hosted by IPFD and French Kennel Club (SCC) in Paris in Spring 2017. The 4th IDHW was co-hosted by the Kennel Club in Windsor, UK in 2019. The 5th IDHW will be co-hosted by IPFD and Finnish Kennel Club in Helsinki in June 2024. IPFD is responsible for the International Dog Health Workshops and partners with other organizations who manage meeting logistics. * Information on the IDHWs is organized under the subcategories below*
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