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Age Patterns of Disease and Death in Swedish Dogs, Cats and Horses

    Many publications have come from the database of Agria Djurförsäkring (Animal Insurance) in Sweden.
    This article is a brief overview of findings, from the perspective of both health and longevity and in regard to human-animal interaction issues.


    Age Patterns of Disease and Death in Swedish Dogs, Cats and Horses
    J. Comp. Path. 2010, Vol. 142, S33-S38


    From 1995 to the present Agria Animal Insurance, Sweden (Agria Djurförsäkring, Stockholm, Sweden) has
    provided data on both health care and life insurance claims for descriptive and analytical research. From these
    data we have published extensively on insured dogs and horses and have recently submitted a study on cat mortality.

    Over the periods studied most extensively (1995-2002 for dogs, 1997-2004 for horses and 1999-2006
    for cats), Agria has insured approximately 200,000 dogs, 100,000 horses and up to 200,000 cats per year.
    Estimates based on formal research or market surveys suggest that Agria insures approximately 40% of
    both the Swedish dog and horse populations and 50% of the purebred cat population. Where animal insurance
    is so widely embraced, the Agria-insured populations are likely to be representative of the national population.
    This paper focuses on age patterns of disease, differences between breeds and genders, body system and disease
    process and changes over time. An increase in survival over the years for dogs and cats is undoubtedly
    affected by owner, societal and veterinary factors relative to the availability of, and willingness and ability to
    access, and continue, veterinary care. In addition, marked differences in survival across breeds suggest that
    comparisons between people and companion animals in terms of health, disease and longevity must consider
    these complexities.


    2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.




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