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Standards, Health and Genetics in Dogs - Chapter 1- The struggle against hypertypes: an old dog fancier’s point of view, by Pr. Raymond Triquet (France) 1.0.0

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"PREAMBLE... This text has been published in French in three journals (Ethnozootechnie, Revue de la Cynophilie Française, and the Bulletin de la SADB); the originality of its presentation in this book does not therefore lie in a new version of the text in French, but in its distribution to a wider international audience through its English translation."

For the French version see - Ethnozootechnie n° 93 – 2012. pp 89-92.

Here you will find the full text of this section of the book in English. Pr. Triquet addresses hypertypes, matters of perception of beauty, dog showing and judging, the importance of Breed Standards and Club Newsletters in relating correct ideas about dogs qualities. The guiding statement made is that "beautiful dogs must also be happy dogs". Pr. Triquet concludes, "Purebred dogs, sometimes to their misfortune, are dependent on humans, and it is therefore down to mankind to demonstrate moderation in all things."


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