photo source:ørck-Andersen-Tine-Marx.pdf
Brief Description
The Dachshund, also called Dackel or Teckel, has been known since the Middle Ages. Low, short legged, elongated but compact build, very muscular with cheeky, challenging head carriage and alert facial expression. His general appearance is typical of his sex. In spite of his legs being short in relation to the long body, he is very mobile and lithe. For decades the Dachshund has been bred in three sizes (Teckel, Miniature Teckel and Rabbit Teckel) and in three different kinds of coat (Smooth-haired, Wire-haired and Long-haired).
Source: FCI
Links to Breed Descriptions
See: The German Kennel Club (VDH) for information and video (if available).
(Hint: your browser should be able to Translate to English, at least for text (e.g., right click in Google Chrome or Internet Explorer).)
Video Link
This and other breed videos are available in full length here
AKC Video Link
View more videos on AKC's YouTube Channel
SCC Video Link
View more videos on SCC's YouTube Channel
Difficulties in Judging Dachshunds
by Dr Cesare Calcinati
(Internal) PDF - Difficulties in Judging Dachshunds - an FCI perspective - Dr Cesare Calcinati - WUT#1-2017.pdf
Other Names for Breed
Note: breed names for all sizes (standard, miniature, rabbit) , coat types (short, long, wire) are listed
teckel, zwergteckel
dackel, zwergdackel
Dachshund Korthåret
Dachshund Langhåret
Dachshund Strihåret
Dvergdachshund Korthåret
Dvergdachshund Langhåret
Dvergdachshund Strihåret
Kanindachshund Korthåret
Kanindachshund Langhåret
Kanindachshund Strihåret
tax, långhårig dvärgDachshund Miniature, Long-haired
tax, långhårig kanin
Dachshund Kaninchen, Long-haired
tax, långhårig normalstor
Dachshund Standard, Long-haired
tax, strävhårig dvärgDachshund Miniature, Wire-haired
tax, strävhårig kanin
Dachshund Kaninchen, Wire-haired
tax, strävhårig normalstor
Dachshund Standard, Wire-haired

Country of Origin and Parent Breed Club
Country of Origin: Germany
Deutscher Teckelklub
Health and Well-Being
Some sources of health information include:
National kennel clubs and breed clubs (see, e.g. Breeding/Health Strategy Documents, below)
Population-level statistics (see, e.g., Swedish Insurance Data, below)
Research articles
Breed club surveys
Breed-Specific Articles
This article on Dachshunds is part of a series to highlight the Big Picture of health, welfare and breeding and to help develop Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profiles (GRIHPs) for many breeds. See IPFD's Get a GRIHP! on Breed Health Initiative
Estimate of Heritability and Genetic Trend of Intervertebral Disc Calcification in Dachshunds in Finland
The Norwegian Kennel Club's X-ray Procedure for Detection of Calcified Intervertebral Discs in the Dachshund
for evaluation by the Norwegian Kennel Club
Breed Standards
There are numerous breed standards.
The basis of breed/conformation shows is the judging of pedigree dogs against the 'Breed Standard', which is a picture in words that describes the range of features that are deemed appropriate for the breed.
Three of the major international standards are:
The American Kennel Club
The Kennel Club, UK (Smooth-Haired), (Long-Haired), (Wire-Haired)
FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) - 07.11.2019/EN
NOTE: posted by the Deutscher Teckelklub 1888 e.V.
"FCI-Standard 148
Am 29.11.2019 wurde der neue FCI-Standard 148 in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht. Somit ist nun nach dem neuen Standard zu richten."
"The new FCI Standard 148 was published in German on November 29, 2019. The new standard must now be used."
New FCI standard 148 - German version
New FCI standard 148 - English version
The major changes concern colors and sizes and are shaded in the text. The males may be slightly larger than the bitches and now the size of the chest of normal dachshunds is also defined. In addition to these changes, other corrections and adjustments have been made. Not all of them are darkened.
Breed-Specific Statistics
1. Swedish Insurance Data
Breed-specific information on rates of disease and death from Agria Pet Insurance (Agria Djurförsäkring) is available for many breeds.
This breed has information on Veterinary Care and Life Insurance.
Breeding/Health Strategy Documents
Health/Breeding Strategy Documents and Links:
The Kennel Club, UK: Breed Watch (Smooth-Haired), (Long-Haired), (Wire-Haired)
Links to Breed Health Conservation Plans (All Varieties)
Sweden: Breed-specific Breeding Strategies: (in Swedish) and/ or English summary
Finland: new research on heritability of intervertebral disc calcification.
PEVISA (Finnish):
Finland JTOs:
At its meeting held on 9 August 2016 (6/2016), the Finnish Kennel Club's breeding science committee approved the target programs for the breeding of Dachshunds for the period 2017-2021. At the same time, the dachshund PEVISA program was approved to be valid for 2017-2021. A summary of the PEVISA program can be found at the following link Dachshund PEVISA
4. UK: The Dachshund Breed Council: Dachshund Health Handbook
5. CHIC: AKC: Screening requirements
Health Reports
Norske Dachshundklubbers Forbund - NDF - (Norwegian Dachshund Clubs Association) is currently comprised of 15 local clubs throughout the country.)
HEALTH SURVEY: 2018: The Dachshund Breed Council's 2018 Health Survey is open to UK and non-UK Dachshunds.
UK: The Dachshund Breed Council: Health Survey 2018:
See INITIAL RESULTS from this survey:
UK, Australia/New Zealand and Nordic results/analysis - January 2019
Breed-Specific DNA Tests
HGTD - All dachshund varieties
Genetic Tests (HGTD)
Other Breed-Specific Webpages
Dachshund Club of America: Breed Presentation (history, breed standard and you be the judge in PowerPoint)
World Teckel Union (Working Dachshund)
The Dachshund Breed Council UK's website contains a wealth of information! Don't miss the Dachshund Health Information Library
(many articles, presentations including Lafora's dx and Epilepsy.
Judges and Judging
Dachshund Breed Council:
Dachshund Breed Council: Article - 2018 : “Not long and not low” – please read the Breed Standard
UK: Dachshund Breed Council recently launched the IVDD -- Invertebral Disk Disease Website
"Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is by far the most common health problem in UK Dachshunds: around 1 in 4 may be affected at some stage in their lives. Whilst many recover well in time, there is significant risk of permanent damage so severe it is life changing or threatening. On this website, you can find out more about the causes, symptoms, treatments, expense, how to reduce the risks, plus details of our IVDD screening initiative."
More on Dachshund IVDD
This website offers an excellent group of resources including InfoGraphics and a 2019 presentation "Herniated discs - "Slipped discs" WITH THE SHORT-LEGGED BREEDS" shared by DWN Community members Ian Seath and Frøydis Hardeng.
Breed-Specific Research
The Dachshund Club of America -- Health and Welfare Trust Fund website lists supported research projects.
The Dachshund Breed Council UK -- Research page (past and present projects)
DNA test (genotyping of the FGF4 retrogene insertion on CFA12) - Recommendations for Dachshunds: Dachshund Health UK
Prevalence of radiographic detectable intervertebral disc calcifications in Dachshunds surgically treated for disc extrusion
Cecilia Rohdin, Janis Jeserevic, Ranno Viitmaa and Sigitas Cizinauskas
Intervertebral disc disease in Dachshunds radiographically screened for intervertebral disc calcifications
Anu K Lappalainen, Elina Vaittinen, Jouni Junnila and Outi Laitinen-Vapaavuori
Estimate of heritability and genetic trend of intervertebral disc calcification in Dachshunds in Finland (available in DWN downloads)
Anu Katriina Lappalainen, Katariina Mäki and Outi Laitinen‑Vapaavuori
Danish Study/Survey -- Herniated disc in dachshunds -- Incidence Study and follow-up study -- (in Danish)
Diskusprolaps hos gravhunde -- Incidens studie og follow-up studie på rygfotografering og brugen af Kstatus og indekstal
DachsLife 2015: an investigation of lifestyle associations with the risk of intervertebral disc disease in Dachshunds
BioMed Central -- Canine Genetics and Epidemiology
R. M. A. Packer, I. J. Seath, D. G. O’Neill, S. De Decker and H. A. Volk
Breed Clubs
We are listing sites for breed clubs with health or other information that might be helpful. Follow links below.
Canada: Western Dachshund Club
Eastern Canada Dachshund Club
Ireland: Irish Dachshund Club
Norway: Norske Dachshundklubbers Forbund
USA: Dachshund Club of America
USA/Canada: North American Teckel Club: (Hunting focus)
Finland: Suomen Mäyräkoiraliitto SML - Finska Taxklubben FTK ry
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