The Wheaten is probably the oldest of the four breeds. Its existence for at least 200 years can be inferred from textual references to "soft-coated" dogs.
Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
- ireland
- registration statistics
- swedish insurance data
- soft coated wheaten terrier
- international breed collaboration

- National kennel clubs and breed clubs (see, e.g. Breeding/Health Strategy Documents, below)
- Population-level statistics (see, e.g., Swedish Insurance Data, below)
- Research articles
- Breed club surveys
- Breed-specific information on rates of disease and death from Agria Pet Insurance (Agria Djurförsäkring) is available for many breeds. This breed has information on Veterinary Care and Life Insurance.
The Kennel Club, UK: Breed Watch (Category 1)
- Health Booklet - The Soft coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Great Britain
- Sweden: Breed-specific Breeding Strategies: (in Swedish) and/ or English summary
Finland: JTO-Jalostuksen tavoiteohjelma 2022-2026 - Vehnäterrieri :
- The breed-specific breeding strategy for the Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (English); Also available in DogWellNet Downloads.
- Norway: RAS: Rasespesifikk avlsstrategi (RAS) for Irish soft coated wheaten terrier (Norwegian); Also available in DogWellNet Downloads.
- Wheaten Terrier Post Mortem
- The Soft - Coated Wheaten Terrier HEALTH HANDBOOK
- Open Registry - The purpose of the OR is to collect health information on Wheatens affected with Protein-Losing Enteropathy (PLE), Protein-Losing Nephropathy (PLN), and Renal Dysplasia (RD). Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Addison's Disease, and Renal Failure (RF) are also being tracked.
- The breed-specific breeding strategy for the Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (English) - this Breeding Strategy document contains registration numbers, effective breeding population and COIs, breed population data from other countries, information on breed mentality and behavior as well as extensive health and welfare information for this breed.
- Rasespesifikk avlsstrategi (RAS) for Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Norwegian)
- Breed Standard with Comments (English)
- Regional: Svenska Wheaten Terrier Klubbens
- Open Registry information - If you wish to report a medical condition on your Wheaten Terrier, please go to the SCWTCA Endowment Database.
The relation of the modern Irish Terrier to the Wheaten, though less well documented, appears to have been the result of deliberate breeding experiments. So the humble Wheaten probably has a fairly mixed ancestry. Despite the long history of the Wheaten, it wasn't until 1937, that the Soft Coated Wheaten was officially recognised by the Irish Kennel Club. The breed has grown steadily in popularity since and is now well known world-wide.
Links to Breed Descriptions
1. Other Breed Description from IKC:
Utilisation: Wheaten Terriers were always used by small farmers to kill vermin or help with the work about the farm. They were used for a long time in the difficult job of hunting badgers and otters. General appearance: A hardy, active, short coupled dog, well built, giving the idea of strength. Not too leggy nor too low to the ground. Behavior and temperament: Spirited and game. Good tempered. Most affectionate and loyal to his owners. Most intelligent. A trusty, faithful friend, defensive without aggression.
2. See The German Kennel Club (VDH) for information and video (if available).
(Hint: your browser should be able to Translate to English, at least for text (e.g., right click in Google Chrome or Internet Explorer).)
Video for this breed (if available) and other breed videos are available in full length here:
3.AKC Video (link -
View more videos on AKC's YouTube Channel:
Dansk Terrier Club: Racekompendium Irish Softcoated Wheaten Terrier
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Presentation - Irish Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club Ireland
Other Names for Breed
Country of Origin and Parent Breed Club
Country of origin: Ireland
Parent breed club: Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Ireland
Health and Well-Being
Some sources of health information include:
Breed-Specific Articles
Get a GRIHP! on Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers
This article on Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers is part of a series to highlight the Big Picture of health, welfare and breeding and to help develop Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profiles (GRIHPs) for many breeds.
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Association of Canada (SCWTAC) - Puppy Buyer's Guide:
The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier In America
Check out... the Breed education presentation at Showsight magazine! Judging, the coat, the standard, the breed's temperament and capabilities are topics covered in articles in this 27 page presentation.
Breed Standards
There are numerous breed standards.
The basis of breed/conformation shows is the judging of pedigree dogs against the 'Breed Standard', which is a picture in words that describes the range of features that are deemed appropriate for the breed.
Three of the major international standards are:
Breed-Specific Statistics
1. Swedish Insurance Data
2. Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Registration Statistics - multiple KCs: See Downloads
3. AKC Statistics 2019: (Internal: Soft-Coated-Wheaten-Terriers-AKC-Registration-Stats-Final-2019.pdf)
4. Finland: Koiranet DB:
Breeding/Health Strategy Documents
Health/Breeding Strategy Documents and Links:
Health Surveys|Reports
Finland: Kerry- ja Vehnäterrierikerho ry
Breed-Specific DNA Tests:
Other Breed-Specific Webpages
Irish Wheaten Terriers (Internet archives link) - This website contains extensive historical breed information including photos and commentary. The site creator and owner are not identified; regardless the information provided on the breed is deep. Topics covered include: History, Preservation, standard, Illustrated Standard, Irish pedigrees, Important Wheatens, Terriers of Ireland, Working Wheatens, Health and Irish Names.
WHEATEN HEALTH INITIATIVE - an Independent Breed Health Group - This website contains health, research, pANKA, and genetics information; newsletters and update reports on NIH study of SCWTs.
Wheaten Breeders Group - A Breeder Symposium was held in conjunction with the 2008 World Dog Show in Stockholm, Sweden. All breed clubs known to the Swedish Wheaten Terrier Club were contacted by in April of 2008, and asked to send a representative who could give an oral 15-minute presentation of the breeding activities in their country. Presentations from 2008 International Breeders' seminar which was offered to: "provide an overview of the breeding activities in different countries, and to learn more about how breeders and breed clubs act in order to improve for example mentality and physical health of their wheatens." are shown below:
These presentations provide an excellent source for SCWT information, statistics and health priorities in each respective country.
Nordic Wheaten Breeders’ Conference 2019
The Svenska Wheaten Terrier Klubben's website - features Presentations (in English) which include:
Breed-Specific Research
NHGRI Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier Lifetime Health Study (ongoing, in data collection phase)
Maria Kaukonen, Sean Woods, Saija Ahonen, Seppo Lemberg, Maarit Hellman, Marjo K. Hytönen, Perttu Permi, Tom Glaser, Hannes Lohi. Maternal Inheritance of a Recessive RBP4 Defect in Canine Congenital Eye Disease. Cell Reports, Volume 23, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 2643-2652, ISSN 2211-1247,
SCWTCA's research projects: & SCWTCA Endowment Inc. Funded projects 2021 report (excellent followup info!)
Rare neurologic disease of Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers - adult paroxysmal dyskinesia
Kolicheski, A. L., Johnson, G. S., Mhlanga-Mutangadura, T., Taylor, J. F., Schnabel, R. D., Kinoshita, T., Murakami, Y., & O'Brien, D. P. (2017). A homozygous PIGN missense mutation in Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers with a canine paroxysmal dyskinesia. Neurogenetics, 18(1), 39–47.
Breed Clubs
We are listing sites for breed clubs with health or other information that might be helpful. Follow links below.
Australia: The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Victoria, Facebook
Denmark: The Dansk Terrier Club
Finland: Kerry- ja vehnäterrierikerho ry
Germany: VDH
Ireland: IKC
Ireland: Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Ireland
Norway: NORSK TERRIER KLUB - Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Sweden: Svenska Wheaten Terrier Klubbens
UK: Great Britain - Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB
US: Soft Coated Wheaten Club of America
Canada: Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Association of Canada (SCWTAC)
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