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    Brief Description 

    The Newfoundland is a large working dog. Newfoundlands can be black, brown, white and black (called Landseer) or gray. However, in Canada, the country of their origin, the only correct colours are black (including black with white markings) and white and black (Landseer).


    Links to Breed Descriptions 

    AKC Video (link -

    View more videos on AKC's YouTube Channel:



    SCC Video (link -😞

    View more videos on SCC's YouTube Channel:



    See: The German Kennel Club (VDH) for information and video (if available).
    (Hint: your browser should be able to Translate to English, at least for text (e.g., right click in Google Chrome or Internet Explorer).)

    Video (link -

    This and other breed videos are available in full length here: www.meisterpetztv.denewfncabreedpresentation.PNGNCA


    newfncabreedpresentation.PNGNCA Judges Ed presentation 2008  (Internet Archives)


    NCA: Illustrated Guide to the Newfoundland







    Other Names for Breed 
    • Newfoundlandshund
    • Terre-neuve
    • Terranova
    • Neufundländer



    Country of Origin and Parent Breed Club 


    Newfoundland Club of Canada:

    Canadian Kennel Club:

    Health and Well-Being 

    Some sources of health information include:

    1. National kennel clubs and breed clubs (see, e.g. Breeding/Health Strategy Documents, below)
    2. Population-level statistics (see, e.g., Swedish Insurance Data, below)
    3. Research articles
    4. Breed club surveys

    Breed-Specific Articles 

    Newf Colour in Canada:

    Many articles and historical information on the breed


    Breed Standards 

    There are numerous breed standards.

    The basis of breed/conformation shows is the judging of pedigree dogs against the 'Breed Standard', which is a picture in words that describes the range of features that are deemed appropriate for the breed.

    Three of the major international standards are:

    The American Kennel Club

    The Kennel Club, UK

    FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale)

    Breed-Specific Statistics 

    1. Swedish Insurance Data

    • Breed-specific information on rates of disease and death from Agria Pet Insurance (Agria Djurförsäkring) is available for many breeds.
    This breed has information on Veterinary Care and Life Insurance.
    Newfoundland: 2006-2011 2011-2016
    3. UK: Newfoundland Health Database:  supported by Newfoundland Clubs in the UK:
    The database is open to ALL Newfoundland owners, breeders and enthusiasts in the UK and worldwide. It is free to view.

    Breeding/Health Strategy Documents 

    newf pup.JPGHealth/Breeding Strategy Documents and Links:

    (UK) Newfoundland Breed Health Conservation Plan 2018

    (Internal) Newfoundland_BHCP.pdf

    The Kennel Club, UK: Breed Watch
    Sweden: Breed-specific Breeding Strategies: (in Swedish) and/ or English summary

    Finland: JTO:

    (Internal: jto-2021-2025.pdf )

    US: OFA: CHIC Breed Health tests:

    US: NCA: Health Tests recommendations for breeding dogs:

    Newfoundland Charitable Trust

    Newfoundland Dog Health Center


    OFA Health Survey Results (Newfoundland)



    Breed-Specific DNA Tests:

    Other Breed-Specific Webpages 

    newfoundlanddog database

    Coat Color: Historical analysis of Newfoundland dog fur colour genetics

    Genetics of Coat Color in Newfoundland Dogs -- a summary of our studies in Newfoundlands




    Newfoundland - Landseer History

    Newfoundland, Landseer or both? Actually, there are 3 versions: The American Newfoundland Landseer, the European Newfoundland Landseer and the European Landseer ECT.

    The USA (AKC) recognizes both European and American Newfoundland Landseers but does not recognize the 3rd version, the Landseer ECT, as a version of the Newfoundland or even as a breed.


    The Newfoundland Club of America addresses the question: "What is an ECT?

    ECT stands for "European Continental Type". ECT's or Landseer ECT's as they are sometimes called, resemble Landseers, but are different in type and temperament. An ECT is a little taller, a little less broad, and to the person familiar with Newfs, just looks "different" than a Newf. ECT's tend to have a more "active" personality, and require an owner ready to live with a large dog which is more assertive than a typical Newf."


    "As of 1998, Every country except the U.S. and Canada recognize the ECT as a separate breed from the Newfoundland."



    ARTICLE: Dogs in Canada. Saturday, June 15, 2002
    by: Peter Maniate

    ECT Landseer, A Separate Breed


    A gentleman who recently emigrated to Canada from the Netherlands visited my kennels and then sent me an e-mail in which the following excerpt caught my eye: “…There are white/black Newfoundlands and white/black Landseer dogs. If your puppies are of original Newf bloodlines, that white/black puppy is not a Landseer, but a white/black Newfoundland…”


    Naively I had thought that about five years ago when the whole issue of the European Continental Type Landseer exploded in the U.S. and to a lesser extent, here in Canada, the matter was settled once and for all. However I forgot that the global village applies to dogs as well as everything else.


    This new breed, usually referred to as the ECT Landseer, according to one version, got started in 1918, with the cross breeding of a Kuvasz and a white & black Newfoundland. However, The International Encyclopedia of Dogs by Anne Rogers Clark & Andrew H. Brace, Howell, 1995 claims: “The Landseer was developed in Germany and Switzerland. During the 1930’s, breeders in these countries started a breeding program by crossing black-and-white Newfoundlands with Pyrenean Mountain Dogs.”


    Whatever the actual origin, the goal apparently was to produce or retain the white and black dog that Sir Edwin Landseer had painted in England in the first part of the 19th century. It was most unfortunate that the name chosen for this new breed was the traditional name given to white and black Newfs. However the international governing body for dogs, the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recognized the new breed in 1960 with the name Landseer.


    Now, in countries not affiliated with the FCI, such as Canada, the U.S. and the UK, the white and black Newf is still referred to as a Landseer; everywhere else, it is a white and black Newfoundland.


    There are many claims that ECT Landseers have been registered as Newfs in the U.S. and possibly in Canada and some even go so far as to claim that most Newfs today are related to the founding cross-breedings of the ECT Landseer. The probability is that at least some of the genes snuck in to our Newfoundland breeding programs, but certainly not enough to adversely affect our breed.


    To close the door on any further incursions, the Newfoundland Club of America alerted the American Kennel Club and the Newfoundland Dog Club of Canada advised the Canadian Kennel Club. Assurances were received from both national registering bodies. However, until there is unanimous international agreement, confusion is bound to remain.

    Peter Maniate

    Breed-Specific Research 



    Breed Clubs 

    We are listing sites for breed clubs with health or other information that might be helpful. Follow links below.

    Canada: Newfoundland Club of Canada:

    Finland: Suomen Newfoundlandinkoira

    USA: Newfoundland Club of America (NCA)

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