Swedish Lapphund
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- ras

The Lapphunds are mainly known as the reindeer-herder but they were originally used as hunting dogs. The rearing of reindeer in a businesslike manner is relatively new. Most probably it was the Sami tribes that long ago brought the dogs with them to the Northern parts of Scandinavia. The authentic Lapphund was facing extinction in the beginning of the 20th century.
Source: Swedish breeds of dogs: http://www.skk.se/global/dokument/hundrasguiden/svenska-raser.pdf
The Swedish Lapphund is the oldest of the native Swedish breeds with a history dating back thousands of years. Believed to be descended from the ancient Nordic spitz, it is one of the oldest known breeds in existence today.
Links to Breed Descriptions
SKK: Breed overview: http://www.skk.se/kopahund/hundraser-valpkullar/svensk-lapphund/ (Swedish)
AKC: Breed Description: http://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/swedish-lapphund/detail/
Primitive Dog Breeds: http://primitivedogs.com/swedish-lapphund-dog-info-characteristics/
Breed Characteristics: Primitive Dogs - http://primitivedogs.com/swedish-lapphund-dog-info-characteristics/
Other Names for Breed
Schwedischer Lapphund
Lapphund Ruotsinlapinkoira
Chien Suédois de Laponie
Country of Origin and Parent Breed Club
Svenska Lapphundklubben: http://www.slk.nu/
Breed-Specific Articles
Breed Standards
There are numerous breed standards. The basis of breed/conformation shows is the judging of pedigree dogs against the 'Breed Standard', which is a picture in words that describes the range of features that are deemed appropriate for the breed.
Three of the major international standards are:
The American Kennel Club - Designated by AKC as a Foundation Stock Service Breed (FSS) assigned to the Herding Group
-- refer to the FCI Standard
Breed-Specific Statistics
Svensk Lapphunds (Swedish Lapphunds) originated, as the name suggests, in Lapland. Originally, the dogs were used by the Sami (reindeer breeders) to guard and herd. The exact origins of Svensk Lapphund are unknown, but it would be the oldest Nordic breed, an ancestor of the spitz ... It is the most ancient national breed officially registered in Sweden. In 1944, Svensk Lapphund was recognized by the FCI. Currently the breed's population is best represented in Europe - mainly in Sweden, Norway, Finland and some in Denmark. By some reports fewer than 1200 Swedish Lapphund exist worldwide.
Finland: Swedish Lapphund: http://jalostus.kennelliitto.fi/frmEtusivu.aspx?Lang=en&R=135
Breeding/Health Strategy Documents
Health/Breeding Strategy Documents and Links:
The Kennel Club, UK: Breed Watch (Category 1)
Sweden: Breed-specific Breeding Strategies: (in Swedish) and/ or English summary
Breed-Specific DNA Tests:
Breed Clubs
We are listing sites for breed clubs with health or other information that might be helpful. Follow links below.
Sweden: Svenska Lapphundklubben: http://www.slk.nu/
Finland: The Lapphund Club of Finland
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