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Finnish Kennel Club: General Breeding Strategy

     "The health and well-being of dogs are important goals in the Kennel Club's activities. Dog breeders and dog owners can promote them by utilizing information from veterinarians, researchers and other experts. There are also many tools to promote the health of dogs, such as health research and information on the heredity of dogs' health problems."

    Further information can be found  at:

    More at the Finnish Kennel Club's website about:IMG_1665fkc.JPG

        Dog breeding
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    General Breeding Strategy

    From: (Google Translate used)

    The breeding strategy consists of ten main objectives and related measures. The Kennel Club's breeders' council is committed to follow the breeding strategy when deciding on its entry into force and the target program. The general breeding strategy applies to all dog breeds and binds all members of the Kennel Club and those involved in the activities. Breed-specific priorities and goals are defined in the breeding target programs .

    The first general breeding strategy was in force from 1.1.2012 to 31.12.2017*. Thereafter, in the years 2018-2022, there is a corresponding, but up-to-date breeding strategy.

    The breeding strategy has taken into account the Animal Welfare Act, the Act on Animal Welfare complementing the Act and the Council Resolution on the Pet Breeding of the Council of Europe. The breeding strategy is also in line with the general rules of breeding and breeding regulations and guidelines.
    Main objectives of the Kennel Club's general breeding strategy:


    1.  In order to achieve hereditary progress, the individuals used for breeding are better than the average breed in the desirable characteristics.
    2.  A breed suitable for breeding is a breed of both appearance and behavior and does not have any ailments or features that hinder the daily life.
    3. The breed used for breeding is in its nerves and behaviors such that it is able to survive everyday situations. Thus, its probability of inheriting the offspring of the offspring of the everyday nature of life that makes it difficult and well-diminished is minimal.
    4.  Prevention of serious illness and disease affecting the welfare of a dog is prevented. Only a clinically healthy dog can be used for breeding in the case of diseases that cause the dog pain or discomfort or otherwise restrict the dog's genre life.
    5. Only dogs that can naturally breed and care for their puppies are used for breeding.
    6. Breeding is used for dogs with the greatest possible longevity. The life time of a dog is not in vain at the expense of health and wellbeing.
    7. The breeding secures the inherited diversity of each breed. Different breeds of the breed are used for breeding in a variety of ways.
    8. The Kennel Club supports and produces activities aimed at increasing knowledge about the dog's inheritance, health and diseases.
    9. Collaboration with veterinarians and researchers will be intensified. Veterinarians also support the principles and goals of the breeding strategy by their own actions.
    10. The Kennel Club operates through the Nordic Kennelinium and FCI to the international community to increase knowledge and skills in dog breeding. In the international community, it is always the case that dogs' health and well-being are the most important goals.

    Find out about Kennel Club's breeding strategy
    Downloadable file (Finnish and Swedish)

    Kennelliiton yleinen jalostusstrategia 2018-2022 (Kennel Club General Breeding Strategy 2018-2022)

    *The first general breeding strategy was in force from 1.1.2012 to 31.12.2017.

    The document in effect through 2017 is available: Follow this link to download the pdf file from






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