Here you will find an overview of breed resources on This is not a comprehensive listing - it is a starting point for finding relevant resources. Please visit the various areas of the site using the purple navigation bar and/or the Search function.
♦ Breeds in the DogWellNet Pedigreed Dogs Database
Each breed listed in the DWN Pedigreed Dogs database contains F.C.I., AKC and Kennel Club UK Breed Standards, links to Illustrated Standards are included when available, Breed Club and international groups links, as well as DWN contributor breed-specific articles and materials. Health Surveys and health information, including breed-specific Research, links to Kennel and Breed Club Databases is available for many breeds along with breed history, videos, and links to Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian Kennel club breeding strategies documents (RAS, JTO and Pevisa translations).
♦ Additional Breed Resources
A list of Breeds as each is identified in different languages: Swedish, English, FCI names, German, French and Spanish.
A description of the Agria Insurance Data files - please note: Breed Club Health Committees who are members of DWN can access Breed data contained in these reports.
Links to our Partners' YouTube channels and videos of particular interest to the DogWellNet Community. These videos may cover topics such as behavior testing, breed specific evaluations, tools for education, and explanations of health related programs.
♦ Native Breeds
♦ Partner Breed Resources
In this article, we take a look at some excellent resources for breeds and breed health available from IPFD and our Partner organizations, including: The American Kennel Club, Agria Animal Insurance, Finnish Kennel Club, German Kennel Club, Irish Kennel Club, The Kennel Club, Swedish Kennel Club, and The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.
♦ Breed Specific Documents in DWN Downloads & Breed Specific Health Reports
These documents are typically noted on a given breed's page in The Pedigree Dogs Database - these files contain interviews, statistics, studies, reports and presentations.
♦ VISIT THE: Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs (HGTD) ♦
Breed of the Month
Here we will feature a breed each month...
★ This Month's Breed is the Dachshund ★

Check out our Dachshunds- Get A GRIHP article which
is part of a series to highlight the Big Picture of health, welfare and breeding and to help develop Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profiles (GRIHPs) for many breeds. See IPFD's Get a GRIHP! on Breed Health Initiative.
Table of contents...
Breed Overview - 'In a nutshell'
Key Health Concerns for Dachshunds
What do caretakers of Dachshunds need to know?
Population statistics for Dachshunds... the trends.
Dachshund - Disease Conditions and Health Strategies
Agria 2011-2016 - Swedish Breed Profile
Dachshund - Specific Health Strategies
Dachshund - Health Testing Recommendations/requirements
A word on Dachshunds used in crossbreeding
References and Databases
DogWellNet - Dachshund Resources
Kennel Club Databases and Resources
Other Publications and Articles
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