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Overview: 5th International Dog Health Workshop (IDHW)




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    Click here for details




    Thursday, 13 June - Saturday, 15 June, 2024  |  Scandic Park Helsinki Hotel, Helsinki, Finland

    Click here to view post-meeting resources



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    Organized by the International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD)
    and The Finnish Kennel Club,
    in cooperation with other partners.




    With the generous support of our Workshop Sponsors:

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    animals-1517642_640.jpgDid You Know....?

    The 5th International Dog Health Workshop immediately follows the 12th International Conference on Canine and Feline Genomics (9-12 June, 2024), which takes place just around the corner from our venue, the Scandic Park Helsinki hotel. By scheduling the workshop in conjunction with the ICCFGG, we aim to help minimize travel time and costs for those who wish to attend both events.






    hand-4316948_1280.jpgThe Theme for the 5th International Dog Health Workshop is “Partners in Dog Health.”
    After a long wait – largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic − we’re excited for an opportunity to meet face-to-face with our friends, colleagues, and fellow stakeholders in dog health, welfare, and well-being. In addition to a full slate of social, educational, and action planning activities, the 5th International Dog Health Workshop (IDHW) will be a time to celebrate IPFD’s 10th Anniversary and reflect on what we’ve accomplished together over the past decade.






    Program Overview, Goals & Outcomes, Themes, Speakers, & Schedule

    Program Overview
    The primary goals of the IDHWs are to promote collaboration and networking and to facilitate the sharing of information and resources - before, during and after the workshop. Participants will be asked to review background material prior to the 5th IDHW.

    Thursday, 13 June

    • On Thursday afternoon, attendees will gather for a Welcome Talk by co-hosts IPFD and the Finnish Kennel Club.
    • Next, Poster Presentations and Genetic Test Provider (GTP) Exhibit Tables will facilitate information transfer and foster networking opportunities. Posters and GTP exhibits will be accessible from the Thursday registration until Saturday lunch.
    • IPFD Founding CEO Dr. Brenda Bonnett will then host a Special Talk Session on humans' complex, diverse, and evolving relationships with dogs - impacts on their health and welfare, and ours.
    • Brenda's session will be followed by the 5th IDHW Welcome Reception.

    Friday, 14 June

    • On Friday morning, all attendees will be together for Plenary Sessions introducing the four breakout Themes and highlighting their reach across all of the workshop Themes.
    • On Friday afternoon, attendees will break into smaller groups for their selected Theme (chosen during registration) and will participate in Breakout Sessions for that Theme.
    • The Finnish Kennel Club hosts all attendees at the 5th IDHW Gala Dinner Friday Evening.

    Saturday, 15 June

    • On Saturday morning, everybody will be together again for Plenary Sharing Sessions, where Theme Leaders will present results of discussions within the breakout sessions, e.g.,: a) key issues, priorities, gaps, challenges, and b) action plans/ moving forward.
    • In the final Summary Session, we will look to identify convergence across Themes; to confirm priorities for ongoing work; and to wherever possible have, associated with actions, names of individuals and/or organizations who have agreed to take on a role.
    • Following the Summary Session, IPFD Chair Pekka Olson will deliver Closing Remarks, and Lunch will be served before attendees depart.

    View the Program Schedule for more details.




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    All Themes:
    Following interactive discussions within each Theme, by the conclusion of the 5th IDHW, participants should leave with a clear sense of:

    • Key decisions on priorities/needs within the Theme.
    • Remaining gaps/challenges/controversies.
    • List of specific tasks/actions to be undertaken over the next two years; together with names of individuals and organizations who have agreed to assist.
    • Their personal commitment to participate; how they will help achieve the desired outcomes.

    Breakout Sessions (each registrant participates in only one Theme):

    • Are meant to engage all participants in discussion; and to some extent the issues and priorities should be driven by participants. However, the Working Groups will identify some possible discussion points and outcomes (to be communicated before the meeting).
    • When registering, participants are asked to indicate their preference of breakout session Theme. We will do our best to accommodate all requests.




    Program Schedule

    View the Program Schedule




    Our gracious co-hosts, the Finnish Kennel Club, and a broader planning committee has developed a program that addresses some of the most pressing issues and challenges within the dog world.

    Click an icon below for more information on each of our four Breakout Session Themes:


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    List of Speakers, Theme Leaders, Contributing Experts, Facilitators - By Theme



    Genetic Test Provider Exhibit Tables
    We'll be featuring several exhibit tables where Genetic Test Providers (GTPs) can show their support for IPFD while promoting their testing services, research, and advice to the leaders and decision makers from our global canine community. Click here for a list of exhibiting GTPs and information on how to reserve a table.


    Sponsorship Opportunities
    Please contact us for details.





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    Poster presentations at 5th International Dog Health Workshop will facilitate information transfer and foster networking opportunities. The submission deadline has passed, but you can still view details and posters from previous IDHWs here.










    question-34499_640.pngHave questions about Registration or the Workshop Program?

    Registration: Finnish Kennel Club  |  IDHW Program: Aimée Llewellyn-Zaidi or Katariina Mäki (IPFD)







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