"These guidelines are intended to assist companion animal veterinarians throughout the world in their understanding of contemporary animal welfare concepts and science, and provide guidance on addressing potential animal welfare problems, navigating some more common ethical issues, and promoting good animal welfare through effective communication , both within the veterinary clinic* and beyond."
WSAVA Animal Welfare Guidelines for companion animal practitioners and veterinary teams (Updated April 2020)

UPDATED - April 2020
Position Papers | Animal Health & Welfare / Public Health & Food Safety / Veterinary Profession
AVMA-FVE-CVMA joint statement on the roles of veterinarians in promoting animal welfare (April 2020)
The Appendix offers suggested advocacy opportunities for veterinarians to advance animal welfare.
"Big Picture" Thinking
"The companion animal sits in the centre of this model and is directly influenced by its owner(s), the wider community, and the veterinary care that it receives. Outside this inner circle of influence, the animal may be affected by the environment (e.g. dog off -lead exercise areas), economics (e.g. personal financial constraints may affect the afford ability of veterinary care), cultural values (e.g. in some cultures dogs are regarded as work or food animals rather than companions , while the impact of cats on local wildlife adversely affects public tolerances) , and local and international politics. These WSAVA Guidelines focus on the interactions that occur in the veterinary clinic, but this model is a reminder that we need to always keep in mind the bigger picture of how animals interact with people and the wider community and society. Furthermore, as discussed above the human -animal bond is a n integral part of this entire system and should not be underestimated."
External link: article: WSAVA releases first global guidelines for companion animal practitioners
The World Small Animal Veterinary Association is a Collaborating Partner of IPFD.
IPFD is an Educational Partnrer with WSAVA.
Read their partner profile here.
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