About This File
This file contains a collection of posters prepared for IPFD's 3rd International Dog Health Workshop Held in Paris, April of 2017.
Ian Seath Dachshunds.pdf - 2.98 MB
Kelly Arthur IPFD Poster_Jan 2017.pdf - 509.29 kB
ORIVET_Dog Health.pdf - 5.27 MB
Orivet-VGA_poster-A0_v1-6-1.pdf - 3.22 MB
Shizhi Wang_Benefits from intergration of international data.pdf - 622.01 kB
Shizhi Wang_More health data needed for purebred dog.pdf - 624.84 kB
Stull ACVIM poster (FINAL).pdf - 612.89 kB
Welfare Program for Dogs in Commercial Breeding Facilities A0.pdf - 622.66 kB