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Reading for the 2nd International Dog Health Workshop (from the 1st IDHW: Enhancement of Genetic Health in Purebred Dogs) 14-15 February 2015, Dortmund Germany

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Breed Specific Strategies
Presentation for the workshop – Göran Bodegård SKK


excerpt..."Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) for show judges regarding morphologic breed type related exaggerations in pedigree dogs.


The international dog show scene is offering a wide and natural channel for implementation of breed specific health strategies which comparatively very fast could improve the show population of dogs ( and consequently the breeding of pedigree dogs). The experience from Sweden from 2009-2003 gives a good support for the usefulness of the Special BSI design. This program is at present accepted and implemented by all the Nordic countries in the NKU BSI which is an integration of the countries’ national high profile breed lists and using the principles and methods worked out in Sweden – which are described here."

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