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My specific aim is to feature successful breeding programs but I discuss also dog breeding and genetics generally.

Entries in this blog

New breed-specific breeding norms in the Netherlands

IPFD Partner, The Raad van Beheer (RvB), has published the first five ‘foknormen’ (breeding norms) for breeding. The first breeds to have breeding norms are the Borzoi, the Beagle, the Manchester Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Breeding norms are mandatory pre-mating tests and/or screening results for a dog and bitch. These may include eye examinations or screening for hip or elbow dysplasia, or a minimum breeding age or a (positive) result of a beh

Katariina Mäki

Katariina Mäki in Partners actions

Kennel Clubs and Responsible Breeding: Examples from Finland

A new Animal Welfare Act will be in force in Finland next year. The Act is intended to define harmful animal breeding more precisely and clearly than the current Act. The aim is to steer animal breeding in a direction that takes greater account of animal health. According to the draft law, animal breeding should aim at the production of viable, functional and healthy animals. The Finnish Kennel Club (FKC) is committed to promote the health and well-being of dogs. Therefore, the FKC consider

WSAVA Calls for ‘Health-focused’ Breeding

IPFD's Collaborating Partner, The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), has published a position paper where it confirms its support for the recent efforts of Animal Protection Norway and the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act. WSAVA shares the concerns expressed by the Norwegian court regarding the breeding of English Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. It calls for a much greater focus on health screening of breeding animals and educating the public and urges that the sel

Katariina Mäki

Katariina Mäki in Partners actions

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