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Review on ocular surface disorders in brachycephalic dogs

Katariina Mäki

Viewed: 1,171 times

A review on ocular surface disorders in brachycephalic dogs has been published in December 2022. This review by Lionel Sebbag and Rick F. Sanchez "offers a summary of the physiological and anatomical features of brachycephalic ocular syndrome (BOS) that predispose brachycephalic dogs to develop ocular surface disease, followed by a concise description of common ocular diseases associated with BOS. It ends with an overview of evidence-based guidelines and animal welfare legislation that some in the veterinary community have already implemented but that requires a wider, international effort in order to reduce the prevalence of BOS-associated disorders and improve the ocular health of affected dogs." (a snippet from the abstract).

The review includes also general recommendations - the authors reference breeding programs in the UK and Netherlands, and recommend regular ophthalmologic examinations, which chimes with many countries recommendations.

The review is open access and can be read here:


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