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Brenda Bonnett

Viewed: 2,562 times

blog-0871708001410791151.jpgIt seems appropriate that I should start a blog to share ideas and news from IPFD and DogWellNet.

I am working these days at the Swedish KC offices, where, on any given day there are easily 40 to 60 (and I am told up to 100) dogs in attendance with their owners. Incredibly, it is rare that you hear any barking or noise - from the dogs, at least. Puppy Idon, pictured here, captured my heart instantly, last week. Her brother Grim is here today and it is interesting the personality differences, even at 12 weeks of age.

Hmmm, perhaps I should say something to convince you that I am doing something other than cuddling puppies...


How about if I ask for a comment from my readers? My husband asked if the SKK had the largest number of employees per capita of any national KC. Those of you from KCs (Sweden and otherwise) do you have any data?


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I am not sure about the number of employees per capita, but perhaps you need to compare the number of eployees per registrated puppies per year or the KC's market share of registrated dogs.

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I suppose what we need is a table ...





Members of the KC

Employees of the KC



Over the years, people from other countries have been keen to know why Sweden is different...e.g. low rates of spay/neuter but low unwanted pet numbers; great welfare, etc.  In preliminary statistics it seems that the percent of households with dogs might be less than say, in the USA. Maybe Swedes only get a dog if they can satisfy the stringent rules for keeping one.

Annika (ExecSec at SKK) tells me that she gets rather frequent requests for information on how to set up a KC.  I think it will be a topic on DogWellNet and painting the picture of different models from different countries could be interesting.

As always, perhaps in all of life, but for sure in issues related to human-animal interactions, it is a complex picture, influenced by culture.

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Dear Brenda,


I think one problem here is that the number of people working for KC is basically depending from the roles of the KC. 

In France for instance the number of people working for the SCC has decreased between 2012 and 2013 from 94 to 58 employees, because the identification activity has been transferred to a new structure.



The question is even more difficult for the number of members (for SCC at least), as it is a federation of around 1500 associations. It is therefore difficult to have a real estimation of number of people members of SCC.


Otherwise here is an estimation of the other information for France





Human population

64 933 400 inabitants for 2011

INSEE (2014)


7 420 000 dogs

FACCO (2012)

Number of Dogs Registered

1  898 369 dogs -> 26%

SCC registrations on the 2004-2013 period

Members of the KC

1500 associations

SCC website

Employees of the KC


SCC general assembly report (2014)



If I find other ideas I will transmit it to you



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