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Additional Breed Resources

7 entries in this category

    Breeds with Swedish Insurance Data

    In this article, we provide details on Swedish Insurance Data available for various dog breeds from Agria Animal Insurance, including descriptions/background information, Updates and information on Veterinary Care Events (VCEs), and Mortality Data. 



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    Dog Breeds: What You Need to Know - IPFD Feature in WSAVA Bulletin

    wsava-logo-2020-rectangular.pngIPFD Collaborating Partner, The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) publishes a regular feature in their online news section (and in the WSAVA Bulletin) that highlights IPFD resources on a particular breed with a focus on breed-specific diseases




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    Breed Names

    This file in our Downloads section contains a list of breeds as each is identified in different languages: Swedish, English, FCI names, German, French and Spanish.



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    SCC -- Lutte Contre Les Hypertypes "Guide Des Bonnes Pratiques"

    scchypertypesimage.pngIn French, this document is a guide for judges - lists breed specific concerns stemming from hypertype characteristics present in breeds.





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    Breeds with summaries of Swedish KC, Finnish KC or Norwegian KC Breeding Strategies

    December 2018

    DogWellNet Downloads Links – Breed-specific Breeding Strategy English RAS/JTO Summaries and RAS/JTO templates


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    OFA Breed Health Info - Health Screening by Breed

    Looking for a breed? Need health information?

    OFA provides breed health information!



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    BOOK: Standards, Santé et Génétique Chez le Chien | Standards, Health and Genetics in the Dog

    Health problems and hypertypes currently present in dog breeds are taken very seriously by the authorities. The book,  Standards, Health and Genetics in the Dog. was created by the  Société Centrale Canine (SCC) in collaboration with the Fédération Cynophile Internationale (F.C.I.) and the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK). This work includes contributions by veterinarians, researchers, and dog-theorists who offer insights into breed standards as well as the incredible advances in molecular genetics and how new data from the world of dogs can be applied in service to canine and human health and well-being.


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