About This File
The use of DNA tests to manage dog health in populations of purebred dog breeds is constantly changing; new tests for mutations and breed specific tests are being introduced at a rapid pace.
The Kennel Club recognises DNA tests and schemes in conjunction with breed clubs and laboratories, some of which are recorded by the Kennel Club on the registration database and are available to view via the online tool Health Test Results Finder.
PLEASE NOTE: The files available here as downloads are ARCHIVED content that displays the DNA tests available for each breed along with an indication as to whether the test is part of the Assured Breeder Scheme (recommended or required) and whether it is recorded on the Kennel Club registration database. DNA tests are not yet available for every breed.
Please see current (2020) information including the KC's coverage of DNA tests at...
Also see:
What's New in Version updates - Spring 2018
New files for worldwide DNA tests by breed from The Kennel Club - https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/health/for-breeders/dna-testing-simple-inherited-disorders/worldwide-dna-tests/