The association operates as a French Bulldogs breed association. The purpose of the activity is to care for and promote the knowledge and breeding of the French Bulldog in Finland, as well as to instruct its members to care for and breed their dogs properly and to maintain a high level of breed.
The Finnish French Bulldog Association strives to achieve the goals it has set by arranging advice and guidance for members in matters related to the care and breeding of the French Bulldog. The association monitors developments in breeding, genetics and dog health care.
Suomen Ranskanbulldogit ry is a member association of the breed organization Suomen Kääpiökoirat ry (SKKY) , and also a member of the Finnish Kennel Club and the Helsinki Region Kennel District.
French Bulldog Association (Finland)
HSP Name
French Bulldog Association (Finland)
Alternative HSP Name
Ranskanbulldogit ry
Breed Association
HSP Desciption
Breed(s) of Interest