The Swedish Stövarklubben is organized in 19 local clubs and a central board. The local clubs are divided geographically and conduct activities with driving tests, exhibitions, competitions, training etc. Currently, there are 25 different litter breeds housed under the Swedish Stövarklubben. The largest breeds also have their own specific breed clubs. The main purpose of the Swedish Stövarklubben is to take advantage of, preserve and develop the specific characteristics of the Stövar breeds, work for modern hunting with Stövar and spread information about hunting with Stövar. If you intend to get a hunting dog, then read the article "Choose a scavenger".
The Avelsdata register contains pedigree data and results from various competitions, trials and tests, as well as the results of genetic health programmes administered by SKK.
- Furthermore, the Breeding Recordsservice (Avelsdata) includes breeding statistics for both individual dogs and for each breed as a whole. The statistics are based on results from health programmes, the dog mentality assessment, official competitions, and dog shows, as well as pedigree information. For individual dogs, individual records as well as statistics for littermates, full-sibs and offspring are available. The pedigree and coefficient of inbreeding is shown for each dog. Moreover, the service includes an option to calculate the expected inbreeding coefficient for offspring resulting from a planned mating. The population-wide information provides a general picture of the development and status of a breed as a whole, including statistics on number of registrations, dogs used for breeding, health traits, behaviour traits and average levels of inbreeding by birth year. The Breeding Records service is accessible to everyone.
In Swedish: