HSP Name
French Bulldog Club (France)
Alternative HSP Name
Club du Bouledogue Français
SCC's National Association for French Bulldogs
HSP Desciption
- Make the breed known and encourage breeding , contribute to its promotion, develop its use.
- Set up character tests ( NAT ) intended to help improve this breed.
- Foster relationships between members and guide them in their choices.
- Publish a magazine rich in information and intended for both individuals and breeders.
- Organize breed specials with judgments of conformity to the standard and attribution of CACIB and CACS, which counts for the attribution of the title of Champion of France of conformity to the standard. These specials take place within the framework of all-breed exhibitions.
- Organize the National Breeding Club of the French Bulldog. This show is recognized as a Breed Club Championship with attribution of the title of Champion of France in accordance with the standard. This event takes place once a year.
Breed(s) of Interest
Health Database/Registry
Health Database Description