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Deep thoughts from IPFD's Veterinary Science Officer

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HABRI - The Human Animal Bond Research Initiative has published new research detailing the beneficial effects of pet ownership - for their owners and for the health care industry. Here is their press release: PET OWNERSHIP SAVES $11.7 BILLION IN HEALTH CARE COSTS HUMAN ANIMAL BOND RESEARCH INITIATIVE RELEASES NEW ECONOMIC STUDY   "The Human Anima

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

International Collaboration for Dog Health - Epilepsy

2-18-2021 UPDATE: see the latest on Epilepsy at RVC's website here:   The Press Office of The Royal Veterinary College has reported that: "Veterinary neurology experts collaborate for first ever global consensus on pets with epilepsy"    "Made up of 26 veterinary practitioner, neuropharmacology, neuropathology and neurology experts from around the world, the International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force (IVETF

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett in Brenda's blog

The Brachycephalic Issue: Evidence, Emotion and Challenged Beliefs

I look forward with interest to see how the discussions and collaborations develop on this important issue.  Brachycephalic – flat-faced dogs – are a hot topic. As has been said elsewhere, there are intense emotions and strongly-held opinions on all sides.  There continue to be opposing views expressed on the internet and social media - not always in a respectful manner; some rather confrontational. In my experience, people at opposing poles (of this and other issues) often share some similarit

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

Interesting Animal Welfare Conference 2016

While searching out information relative to The Brachycephalic Issue I came across this conference: The First International Conference on Human Behaviour Change for Animal Welfare As they state on the conference info page: "The root cause of much animal suffering is human behaviour. However, traditional approaches to improving animal welfare have focussed on providing a service, such as accessible veterinary treatment, or campaigning for people to change their consumer habits. The understanding

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

22 Oct 2015 What's Trending

New under Hot Topics: This week we have launched a new section on the challenges and controversies surrounding issues in brachycephalic dogs.  I have been told that even relatively knowledgeable people may not be acquainted with that term.  I have been offered suggestions from 'flat-faced' to 'snub-nosed'  and even 'schmoosh-faced' as terms they have seen describing these breeds on the internet.  Regardless what they are called, Issues of health and welfare in these breeds are a hot topic.  Ther

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

Reaching out to the Behaviour Community

I am issuing invitations to join the community to numerous experts in the behaviour field. Hoping to get some participation before the Canine Behaviour and Genetics meeting in London 26-29 June. At least I hope to spark a little interest.   The greatest challenge is that everyone is too busy. It is easy to say that we can collaborate and share on - and I do believe there is a great potential for success and efficiency and reducing redundancy of efforts - but it has to start with

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

Thoughts inspired by our newest partner...

We are so excited to welcome the Irish Kennel Club as our latest Partner.   Their pride in their national breeds and long history is wonderful to see. When visiting them earlier this spring, President Sean Delmar shared with me some stories about their founder. It seems that the development of the IKC to some extent mirrored the challenges that were being faced by the country as a whole. Here is an excerpt from the History section of the IKC website.   "The freedom fighters who drove the club’

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

DogWellNet: Next Phase June 2015

We have been working to make the site more welcoming by adding our 'Hot Topics' navigation aids to the home page. These should help orient first-time users or anyone looking to see just what might be available on DogWellNet.   We continue to encourage our Partners and Sponsors to contribute news and information to the site. As a new development, it will take time for everyone to get used to the resource, but we are confident things are heading in the right direction. They are working with each

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

New Data on Registrations and Tests

We are receiving data from our Partners on registration statistics and screening tests. For example, Astrid Indrebö has provided a wonderful spreadsheet of Norwegian data (will be available soon in Downloads). Ann Milligan (IPFD staff) is busy integrating material from various sources into the breed pages. She is also working closely with Eddie Dzuik from OFA on getting more links to their statistics. Hopefully, as we follow developments it will give us more and creative ideas on how best t

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

2nd International Dog Health Workshop

How exciting to meet with over 120 dog colleagues from about 20 countries. From as far away as Ecuador, we assembled in Dortmund, Germany with the shared goal of developing collaborations to tackle the most important issues in dog health. Such a great demonstration of the international nature of dog interest and confirmation that issues of dog health are truly global. The VDH (German Kennel Club) did a fantastic job with organization and everyone was impressed with the venue, the food...everyt

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

First entry

It seems appropriate that I should start a blog to share ideas and news from IPFD and DogWellNet. I am working these days at the Swedish KC offices, where, on any given day there are easily 40 to 60 (and I am told up to 100) dogs in attendance with their owners. Incredibly, it is rare that you hear any barking or noise - from the dogs, at least. Puppy Idon, pictured here, captured my heart instantly, last week. Her brother Grim is here today and it is interesting the personality differences, eve

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

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