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End Pet Homelessness - Mars Petcare

Brenda Bonnett

Viewed: 2,044 times

End Pet Homelessness - Mars Petcare


One of the projects I have been working on over the last year is with our Partner Mars Petcare.  Their ambition to "End Pet Homelessness" is a bold and innovative attempt to address the troubling problem of unwanted, uncared for, and stray pets.  I have been serving on their Advisory Panel for the State of Pet Homelessness Index with an international group of stellar individuals with varied areas of expertise ranging across dogs and cats, epidemiology and human animal interactions, quantitative and qualitative approaches, and more.

The State of Pet Homelessness Index gives a measure of pet homelessness at a point in time, for nine countries around the world.  The initial launch is 09 Nov 2021 , but the work will go on for a long time.

IPFD will be bringing to bear our expertise on the complexity of dog issues, including responsible dog ownership, sourcing and relinquishment, getting the right pets to the right homes, and, as always for IPFD, making sure we look to the Big Picture and engagement of multiple stakeholders, internationally.

The End Pet Homelessness goal is a very challenging one, and we applaud Mars Petcare's commitment to both the process and the outcome of this important work.

Below is a link to the launch panel discussion - feel free to join in.  And stay tuned for more information on this evolving project.

And check out more information on the End Pet Homelessnes site.


Note:  Launch Panel Discussion starts at 3 pm Central European time which is 9 am Eastern time.


EPH Launch.png


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Hi there! Is there a recording of this I can watch? Just found out about you and this a few hours late! Thanks - I am currently in Costa Rica helping with the homeless problem here but my passion is spay/neuter for dogs/cats. Thank you! 

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