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3rd International Dog Health Workshop - Paris - Success!

Brenda Bonnett

Viewed: 2,480 times


bags.JPGThe stellar group of participants at the IPFD 3rd International Dog Health Workshop (3rd IDHW) came to collaborate and we really put them to work.  The attendees, who certainly engaged and challenged and stimulated each other, accomplished a lot and it seems they are going home extremely satisfied with the experience.  More importantly, the majority have committed to participate in specific actions, with clear objectives, goals, timelines and deliverables.  There is a clear potential for real momentum to carry us forward towards the 4th IDHW in the UK.  Our diligent efforts were assisted by candy bars courtesy Mars Veterinary ...  between those and lots of strong French coffee, we pulled it off!  

eiffel tower at night.jpg

A huge shout out to the French Kennel Club (SCC) for putting on a well-organized event at a great venue.  The food was fantastic - thanks to Agria for sponsoring the breaks and lunches. The boat cruise on the Seine was extraordinary - thanks to Royal Canin ... more good food and wine with a panoramic view of the sites of Paris, including the amazing icon of the Eiffel Tour, complete with its delightful, hourly light-show.  


More information soon on the topics, challenges and future plans in the days to come.  We will be posting material from speakers, posters, and break out sessions, and photographs as well as the detailed plans addressing breed-specific health strategies, behaviour and welfare implications of early socialization, exaggerations of conformation, the harmonization of genetic testing, education/ communication on appropriate use of antibiotics, and the need for numbers/ quantitative information.  There will be lots of outreach to stakeholders who weren't at the meeting; hopefully to further engage the wider dog community in this important work.


Thanks to all those who contributed... from individual dog owners, breeders, breed club reps, kennel club advisors and executives, many veterinarians, researchers, corporate and industry people, welfare organisations ...  I feel like I am at the Academy Awards and will surely miss someone!  


This was a diverse community united by a commitment to enhance the health, well-being and welfare of dogs and to promote the best in human-dog interactions.  It is an honour and privilege to be part of this devoted and passionate community.  The future looks bright for innovative and sustained international collaboration.






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