English Bulldog

- Engelsk bulldogg
- Bulldog
- Engelsk Bulldog
- National kennel clubs and breed clubs (see, e.g. Breeding/Health Strategy Documents, below)
- Population-level statistics (see, e.g., Swedish Insurance Data, below)
- Research articles
- Breed club surveys
- Breed-specific information on rates of disease and death from Agria Pet Insurance (Agria Djurförsäkring) is available for many breeds. This breed has information on Veterinary Care.
Cherry Eye [Harderian Gland] Survey (external)
- (internal) issues_to_avoid_cherryeye-bulldog.pdf
The Kennel Club, UK: Breed Watch (Category 3)
- Breed Health Conservation Plan - Bulldogs (BHCP/Version 4/ January 2020)
- BHCP (Internal) 403292_3f3f4d351edf4828a3b24e8706137128.pdf
Sweden: Breed-specific Breeding Strategies: in Swedish and/ or English summary
Breeding Healthier Bulldogs – A New Swedish Breeding Strategy for the English Bulldog
Article: SKK: offers information/explanation of processes and considerations in developing a breed-specific health strategy: "In 2013, the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) launched a project with the aim of improving the health of English bulldogs in Sweden...".
- Finland: English Bulldog Breeding Strategy (Finnish)
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/vde.12752
- PDF: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/vde.12752
One of Britain’s oldest indigenous breeds, the Bulldog is known as the National dog of Great Britain and is associated throughout the world with British determination and the legendary John Bull. The Bulldog was first classified as such in the 1630s, though there is earlier mention of similar types referred to as bandogs, a term reserved today for a type of fighting dog.
Source: The Kennel Club
Links to Breed Descriptions
View more videos on AKC's YouTube Channel
View more videos on SCC's YouTube Channel
The Club du Bulldog Anglais
Illustrated Standard:
Many thanks to Hélène Denis from the CLUB DU BULLDOG ANGLAIS for sharing this valuable educational document translation with the DWN community!
AKC: Bulldog Club of America: Bulldog Study Guide
Other Names for Breed
Country of Origin and Parent Breed Club
Health and Well-Being
Some sources of health information include:
Breed-Specific Articles
Get a GRIHP! on English Bulldogs
This article on English Bulldogs is part of a series to highlight the Big Picture of health, welfare, and breeding and to help develop Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profiles (GRIHPs) for many breeds. See IPFD's Get a GRIHP! on Breed Health Initiative.
There are many others doing great work to advance health, well-being, and welfare in this wonderful breed. We reference and link to terrific work, developments, reports, and research from the UK, USA, Sweden, Finland, and more below. Thanks to all of those working on behalf of Bulldogs.
|||||||||| More...
Bulldog Coat Color: An Exploration of Bulldog Coat Color - Club du Bulldog Anglais -
Canine Chronicle article: The Bulldog Then and Now
DogWellNet Article: Kennel clubs, researchers and breed fanciers in Sweden and France work to find ways to improve health in the English Bulldog breed.
The Brachycephalic Working Group has posted resources on Bulldogs, French Bulldogs & Pugs...
VetCompass developed infographics, which summarise brachycephalic breed research...
What's available?
Bulldogs in the UK: Facing up to some challenges + full paper; French Bulldogs: Soaring UK popularity + full paper;
Click on the images to go to PDF Infographics and see links to the papers and further information at: http://www.ukbwg.org.uk/?page_id=490
Breed Standards
There are numerous breed standards.
The basis of breed/conformation shows is the judging of pedigree dogs against the 'Breed Standard', which is a picture in words that describes the range of features that are deemed appropriate for the breed.
Three of the major international standards are:
AKC 2016 v.: http://images.akc.org/pdf/breeds/standards/Bulldog.pdf
Breed-Specific Statistics
1. Swedish Insurance Data
Author: Cassie Smith (Internal: BulldogBreedRecords2021Standard.pdf)

BULLDOG HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE-Findings October 2011-English.pdf
CBA Health Survey 2019 - English version & French version (Thanks to Hélène Denis for sharing these documents!)
HEALTH SURVEY - club du bulldog anglais -FR.pdf
Breeding/Health Strategy Documents
Health/Breeding Strategy Documents and Links:
Finnish Database: English Bulldog
4. France: Société Centrale Canine -- The Club du Bulldog Anglais
The English Bulldog Club in France shares their breed management strategies with the DWN community.
The Club du Bulldog Anglais shares information on...
"The Breed Council is comprised today of 19 Bulldog Clubs in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland registered with the Kennel Club. The Objectives of the Breed Council is to promote the Bulldog of the true type and liaise with the Kennel Club on all aspects of the health and well being of the breed."
March 2022 Bulldog Breed Council Gazette Issue 019 Informative publication - includes health information,an Illustrated Standard and more. Internal: Gazette 19 (4).pdf
News: Gazette magazines: https://www.bulldogbreedcouncil.co.uk/news-4
6. US: Bulldog Health Screening Matrix
CHIC Requirement: BCA Ambassador for Health BCA Pioneer for Health: Registry Who can administer: Where to test Application Fee: Frequency Test to be performed
Breed-Specific DNA Tests:
Other Breed-Specific Webpages
Breed-Specific Research
new in 2022...
Health of English Bulldogs in the UK VetCompass RVC Infographic - associated study: O’Neill, D.G., Skipper, A., Packer, R.M.A. et al. English Bulldogs in the UK: a VetCompass study of their disorder predispositions and protections. Canine Med Genet 9, 5 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40575-022-00118-5
Research of Cystinuria in Bulldogs Looks for Genetic Cause
Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)
UK: Non-invasive Respiratory Function Assessment in Brachycephalic Dogs
owner- breeder participation options
Queen's Veterinary School Hospital
Department of Veterinary Medicine
University of Cambridge
Research on Tracheal Hypoplasia in the English Bulldog - Studies in Sweden and France
Disorders of Bulldogs under primary veterinary care in the UK in 2013
Dan G. O’Neill, Alison M. Skipper, Jade Kadhim, David B. Church, Dave C. Brodbelt, Rowena M. A. Packer
PLOS -- Published: June 12, 2019
Seppänen et al. 2019. Skin and ear health in a group of English bulldogs in Finland – a descriptive study with special reference to owner perceptions. Vet Dermatol. doi:10.1111/vde.12752
Lilja-Maula et al. 2017. Comparison of submaximal exercise test results and severity of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in English bulldogs. Vet. J. 219: 22-26.
Mölsä et al. 2020. Radiographic findings have an association with weight bearing and locomotion in English bulldogs.
Breed Clubs
We are listing sites for breed clubs with health or other information that might be helpful. Follow links below.
Finland: Suomen Englanninbulldoggiyhdistys SEBY ry
France: Le Club du Bulldog Anglais, France
Norway: Norsk bulldogklubb
Sweden: Svenska Klubben för Engelsk Bulldogg
USA: The Bulldog Club of America
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