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LOF Select, the decision support tool for dog breeding developed by French Kennel Club (SCC)

    With the 5-generation pedigree, we have reached the limits of printed genealogical documents. The future of purebred dog selection will be digital!



    The Société Centrale Canine has followed the good example of other Kennel clubs (The Kennel Club with Mate Select, Swedish Kennel Club with Avelsdata and Finnish Kennel Club with Koiranet) and developed a new decision support tool for breeders: LOF Select.




    LOF Select is a part of the brand new SCC website

    This website is in open access and follows 2 goals: information and decision support for selection.

    The different features available are :

    •  "Consulter la fiche d’un chien" = See the record of a dog : with the identification of a dog (name, part of the name, microchip or French studbook number), you can fin the record of this dog, with all the data collected by SCC on this dog:
      • Pedigree : 3 or 5-generation pedigree
      •  DNA and Health : identification and parentage of the dog ; all health test results of the dog, with explanation of the result code ; results of "interest genes" i.e. coat color, coat length, tail length,…
      • Show : results of all beauty shows with date, place and judge of the show.
      •  Working : results of all working events.
      • Siblings : Link to the records of all brothers and sisters of the dog.
      • Progeny : All the offspring of the dog is presented, by date of birth (with indication of the 2nd parent). It is possible to sort the progeny according to a specific disease results, in order to estimate if the dog is good or bad regarding selection on this disease.
      • Name of the breeder and link to his website.
    •  "Chercher des géniteurs" = Search for a mate : You can select your criteria (health, show results, age,…) and the system gives you all the dogs who fit your criteria. You can then see the record of the potential mates and make your choice.
    •  "Créer une alliance virtuelle" = Generate a virtual pedigree : You can visualize the pedigree of a potential mating, choosing the 2 parents in the database. All information are generated using the data available in our database. This document is not an official pedigree but is a working document for the breeder.  


    Data available on these pages is directly extracted from our up-to-date database. These are the same official information that you will find on genealogical documents.

    In addition to these 3 features, general information about genetics, selection and health will appear in different sections of the website. These articles are written by the Health and Genetic Resources Team of the SCC.

    Other health and selection information will be added by the breed clubs.

    We hope that all this data and features will help purebred dog breeders to improve their selection not only on show or work results, but also on health and welfare.

    This year (2018), we will add another part to this website, that will be designed for breed clubs. This part will present statistic data for the whole breed extracted from SCC’s database: number of births, show results, statistics on health results,...

    This future development constitutes a technical help from the Kennel club to the breed clubs, and will be associated with advice from the Health and Genetic Resources Team.


    Go to LOF Select!

    SCC - LOF Select

Edited by Ann Milligan

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