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Education of Consumers and Public

5 files

  1. The Canine Code - The Kennel Club

    2020: See the Kennel Club's current Canine Code page at: The downloadable PDF available here is ARCHIVED.
    The Canine Code booklet from The Kennel Club
    A MUST READ for anyone considering bringing a dog into a home and family.
    It's A Dog's Life so Take Care of It!

    This educational booklet covers: making a good match between owner and dog - essential for a happy long-term partnership. Whether it is a puppy, pedigree, crossbreed, rescue or adult dog, the right dog for your lifestyle is very important.



  2. Finnish Kennel Club Puppy Mills Event

    Don’t buy a puppy from a cage! Campaign against puppy factories.
    Puppies born in factories suffer and may carry dangerous diseases - a cheap puppy may come at a huge cost - even the cutest puppy may carry a dark secret... see the FKC's website --
    To locate a breeder and litters see the Finnish Kennel Club's Puppy List
    Please note some links in the downloadable file are out of date/no longer available 7-2-2017.
    Content from website is accessible via the Wayback Machine Internet  Archives:



  3. Don't Blame the Dog - 12 Smart Rules for Dog Owners

    Don't Blame the Dog - 12 Smart Rules for Dog Owners, a publication from the Swedish Kennel Club.
    The publication is also available from the SKK...

    Other useful documents related to health, behaviour and welfare from the SKK & translated to English are available at...



  4. Dog Owners in the City

    Dog Owners in the City
    Information about keeping a dog in urban areas from the Swedish Kennel Club
    ”Of course you can keep a dog if you live in a city. You just have to adapt to the situation and realise that you have a great responsibility to other people.”
    Also available from the SKK at...  



  5. Don't Blame the Dog - Campaign Presentation

    This is a pdf copy of a power point presentation with an overview of the event / campaign Don't Blame the Dog (Skäll Inte på Hunden) April 2013...
    "The importance of the dog is often forgotten when people complain about dogs and dog owners who do not "behave". Housing companies and politicians cry for banning and laws to minimize dog attacks against humans and animals. People feel insecure when they meet certain dogs and their owners in the street or where they live. Svenska Kennelklubben (SKK) sees it as a dog owner problem not a dog or breed problem. The problems can be minimized if the current laws are better enforced.
    During 2011 SKK met with its three largest regional clubs. The meeting identified common problems for our three largest cities. A motion was addressed to the SKK General Assembly suggesting a campaign with the aim of minimizing restrictions in owning a dog.
    The motion was granted and so the work began!"

    Provided by Annika Klang, courtesy of the Swedish Kennel Club
    February 2015



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