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New Pug Fitness Test - Germany

Brenda Bonnett

Viewed: 3,498 times


puggkf2019.pngThanks to VDH (the German Kennel Club) and our friend and collaborator, veterinarian Barbara Thiel, please see attached press release about their latest efforts to support brachycephalic health and welfare. They state that their goal is to identify "the most resilient dogs among the pug population in order to establish the healthiest possible pool of dogs for breeding".

Pug fitness test Germany 2019.pdfFetching info...

The new effort in German exemplifies several important approaches:

  • It has been developed collaboratively across various stakeholder groups including the VDH, academics, and veterinary organizations.
  • The test is "available not only to dogs bred under VDH supervision, but to all pugs".
  • The test is done under controlled, standardized and well-supervised conditions.
  • And fantastically, it is being offered for free for two years courtesy of the German Society for the Support of Canine Research (GFK) .

fitnesstestformopsflyer2-vdh.pngCongatulations to VDH and its partners for this excellent program and thanks for sharing the information with us.

Great to see collaboration focused on dog well-being making a difference.

Links at VDH (in German)



We have descriptions of fitness tests from other countries on, see for example:


Sweden: Swedish Kennel Club:     Making assessments of dogs' respiration - BSI  (Video Link)

Bullies, Pugs and Bulldogs – the current top runners Germany: IKFB: (Includes Video Link)–-the-current-top-runners-r232/

Finnish walk test for brachycephalic breeds ready

Scheme launched to improve health of French Bulldogs, Pugs and Bulldogs - The Kennel Club | Cambridge



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