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Do you know that veterinary well-being is a big issue?

Brenda Bonnett

Viewed: 3,411 times

This blog is going to be a little different.  Still about health and well-being...  but this time about veterinarians and the veterinary community.  Many of you may not realize that every veterinary conference now has a major stream on the well-being of veterinarians, themselves. On self-care, and caretaker fatigue, and mental health.  And on suicide prevention.

You may not have seen this Time article: Veterinarians Face Unique Issues That Make Suicide One of the Profession's Big Worries, but these challenges are an increasing priority for veterinary associations over recent years.  Issues like depression, anxiety and burnout build on crippling debt for many graduates.   Unfortunately, there are many more articles on this topic.

puppy stethescope.jpgWhen I graduated - many years ago - vets were at the top of the lists of most respected and trusted professions.  That status has diminished.  I don't want to go into all the reasons, but I will say this.  Years ago when someone would ask what I did and I would say I was a vet, I heard nothing but accolades, and heartfelt thanks, and people telling me they had wanted to be a vet.  It was humbling and gratifying.  These days when it comes up, the first thing I hear is 'Do you know how much I had to pay for my last vet bill?' or worse.   There are a lot of changes in the veterinary practice world, and I can say I am not sorry to be off the front lines.  There are lots of frustrations for consumers as well.

The majority of vets are devoted to being in the profession and to the animals and people they serve.  Unfortunately, the stresses that go beyond the care of animals are simply insurmountable to some.  A former graduate student recently contacted me; she is a practice owner and committed to supporting her colleagues, especially the newer ones.  She was shocked at a recent support meeting to hear that the majority of veterinarians in that group had, at some point, considered suicide.  All health professions struggle with such issues because our work is intense. But the rise in concerns in veterinary medicine are beyond troubling.  As is the fact that there is a need for this site: 'Not One More Vet'.

I wanted to let you know that the veterinary community has recognized this as a major priority.  The VMX meeting (formerly NAVC) is a massive conference at which I have spoken on numerous occasions.  Today another former student shared this link on my personal facebook page... and it prompted me to pass it along with these personal comments.

vet poem.pngA Poem for the Veterinary Community - performed by Andrea Gibson, an American Poet at VMX 2020. 

Please have a listen to this powerful and heartfelt message.  I know many of you will identify with it.

What is important to understand is just how desperately many veterinarians in practice need to hear that they are appreciated.

If any of you are motivated to reach out to a veterinarian who has helped you and your beloved animals, to acknowledge anyone on the clinic team ... please do so; don't hesitate.  

In spite of all the challenges for clients of veterinarians these days...  we might all agree that the world is better place with veterinarians than without them.

For any vets reading this, always ask your colleagues how they are doing and if they need help.  And if you are a vet who needs support, your veterinary community has resources - please reach out.

Not one more vet.png


wellbeing programs NAVC.png





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