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Happy Birthday, OMIA - a lynch-pin in the development of genetic testing

Brenda Bonnett

Viewed: 13,507 times

Congratulations to the University of Sydney and OMIA - the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals database.  25 years old 25 May 2020.  Check out the celebration webpage here.


This amazing resource underpins research and education on genetics in many species and has been a key support for advancement in the world of dog genetics and genomics.

The development and maintenance of this fantastic database is due to the input and support of many academics, researchers, and others, many of whom volunteer their expertise and time.  But it would not have existed or been maintained without the commitment and passion of Frank Nicholas.  We gratefully congratulate him on this milestone.

OMIA is a collaborating partner of the IPFD, and we have been coordinating and linking with them to maintain the quality of the Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs database and resources. The OMIA numbering system is vital for international collaboration and critical to harmonizing genetic phenes across research and industry.

IPFD is very proud of and grateful for this association and will help celebrate this event with a donation via the OMIA site

Why not join us in recognizing this important and necessary achievement?









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