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Independent Inquiry into Dog Breeding (2010) -- Patrick Bateson 1.0.0

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About This File

excerpts from the Preface and Executive Summary



"The Inquiry into dog breeding was headed by Professor Sir Patrick Bateson FRS.  It was funded by Dogs Trust and the Kennel Club but was conducted independently of both organisations.  The Inquiry received the advice of dog breeders as well as experts in genetics, animal welfare, and veterinary surgery and the report was anonymously peer reviewed by five experts in the three scientific fields.  Throughout the Inquiry Professor Bateson was greatly assisted by Mrs Heather Peck."




"The structure of the report is as follows.  After an introduction to the dog and its domestication, the second chapter discusses scientific advances in the assessment of animal welfare.  The third chapter deals in general terms with the genetics of inbreeding.  The fourth chapter summarises the response to my call for evidence and the fifth summarises what was learned from the interviews conducted over the summer.  The sixth chapter deals with the central problem of poor welfare that has arisen in the course of breeding dogs and the seventh chapter discusses ways forward in order to improve matters.  The eighth chapter gives my recommendations."



Advisory Council Final Report -- Welfare Issues of Dog Breeding - 2014


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