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  • The International Partnership for Dogs

    The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD) is a non-profit organization leading a global, multi-stakeholder effort to enhance dog health, well-being, and welfare.

    • Royal Canin is a global leader in pet health nutrition. In an industry that continues to adapt to popular trends in cat and dog food, our mission will remain the same; to constantly bring, through Health Nutrition and shared knowledge, the most precise nutritional solution for cats' and dogs' health nutrition needs, by building on constantly deepened scientific knowledge and Royal Canin's roots in the feline and canine professional networks.


      Brief Bio: Royal Canin is a global leader in pet health nutrition. In an industry that continues to adapt to popular trends in cat and dog food, our mission will remain the same; to constantly bring, through Health Nutrition and shared knowledge, the most precise nutritional solution for cats' and dogs' health nutrition needs, by building on constantly deepened scientific knowledge and Royal Canin's roots in the feline and canine professional networks.

      About Us:

      Veterinarian Jean Cathary founded Royal Canin in France in 1968. Dr. Cathary had the vision of a pet food company grounded in science; a company based on the principles of acquiring knowledge about pets, maintaining respect for them at all times and, most importantly, creating advanced cat food and dog food made to satisfy the needs of the pet – not the desires of the pet owner.


      The results of this vision are easy to see. Despite countless fads, based on more than 45 years of rapid scientific progress, Royal Canin remains on the cutting edge of pet nutrition, and we’ve created specialized cat and dog food diets that are unlike anything else the world has ever seen.


      Our vision is completed by our daily interaction with partner professional breeders and veterinarians, and by the ongoing research of scientists at Royal Canin. This has allowed us, better than any other company, to remain at the cutting edge of innovation and to bring the best health nutrition to cats and dogs.


      Royal Canin is a global company, and pet owners around the world can be assured of the same superior nutrition and devotion to quality and food safety regardless of where they live and shop. 


      Our worldwide headquarters was built in 1968 in southern France and remains one of the world’s most advanced pet food manufacturing facilities.  The campus also serves as a home to 180 cats and 160 dogs. These animals have access to the campus grounds and they interact with our associates in real and meaningful ways, providing a daily reminder of exactly who we are working for.

      For Profit Company

  • Our Signature Work


    Our Platform -


   is the online platform for IPFD and is a curated information hub as well as housing resources to support actions by IPFD and its Partners and Collaborators.




    International Dog Health Workshops



    The IPFD's signature events, the IDHWs bring together decision makers from professional, regulatory, national and regional, welfare and other organisations that are stakeholders in dog health, well-being and welfare and human-dog interactions under the tagline 'From Information and Collaboration to Action'. The 5th IDHW takes place 13-15 June 2024, in Helsinki, Finland and will be co-hosted by the Finnish Kennel Club.




    Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs Database


    The HGTD Database catalogs information provided voluntarily from genetic test providers (GTPs) including information on their company and services, quality measures and expertise, tests offered and more. We are continually engaging more GTP participants. IPFD has collated and assembled existing and new resources for genetic counselling and education and provided the foundation for further developments.




    Health Strategies Database for Dogs


    The HSDD Database includes breed-specific health/mentality testing requirements and recommendations established by Health Strategy Providers (HSPs) including kennel clubs, breed clubs, veterinary organizations, and others.



    Pedigree Breeds Database



    As of March 2024, our Pedigree Breeds Database lists 184 breeds. Information includes breed standards, population data, club newsletters, breed databases, videos and much more. Sections on Native Breeds and Additional Resources including Agria Breed Profiles; Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profile (GRIHP) articles, which describe the Big Picture of health on (all) conditions that are of interest within a breed; and associated IPFD WSAVA Meet the Breed articles are available. Many thanks to breed experts and clubs who share information on their breed with the Community.




    IPFD Annual Report 2023 - Cover.jpg




    Download IPFD's 2023 Annual Report: A Decade of Collaboration and other annual reports here!


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