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    Littlehampton South Australia
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  • Current Affiliation
    ANKC Ltd., DOGS SA, Papillon Dog Club if SA Inc., PAPILLON CLUB OF UK
  • Position / Title
    Breed Archivist
  • Interests
    Dog Breeding
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    Dog Breeding
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  1. Our breed, as well as many other breeds, are affected by vWB type1. There are differing references by Universities & DNA testing companies as to if vWB1's inheritance is AUTOSOMNAL RECESSIVE with incomplete penetrance or AUTOSOMNAL DOMINANT with incomplete penetrance? This leaves breeders in a quandary as to which statement is correct. This problem needs to be defined, giving breeders the answer to the question of RECESSIVE or DOMINANT mode? Is this something which DWN could help with? Perhaps you know a researcher who is, or would like to be, working on this important dilemma? Thank you for your consideration of this. Jane Evans, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
  2. Thank you so much Katariina. My breed is EPAGNEUL NAIN CONTINENTAL (CONTINENTAL TOY SPANIEL) & has 2 varieties; Papillon with erect ears & Phalène with drop ears. To have them on the 2026 list would be wonderful. Is this possible please. I maintain the Archive here in Australia & have good historical references & can ask George Sofrinidis at ORIVET here for DNA data for our breed.
  3. Absolutely excellent initiative. Thank you. How do we initiate our own breeds to be a part of this terrific system?
  4. I breed EPAGNEUL NAIN CONTINENTAL/ Papillons & Phalènes in Australia. I also maintain a significant Archive of the breed from both in & outside Australia. We are beginning to see new findings in our breed as new DNA tests arrive & breeders need support with understanding the relevance & importance of these findings in & for our breed. e.g. IVDD, ACDD,Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia, double coats fi d in our single coated breed etc. Another concern is the issue of Type 1 von Willebrands, with breeders continuing to breed a dog with a single copy of vWB 1, on the basis of it having been Autosomnal Recessive. When we now look at UC DAVIS information we are looking at it being Autosomnal Dominant with incomplete penetrance. Here in Australia Gribbles Pathology offers a blood test to evaluate the dogs levels of vWB factor. Working with IPFD & DOGWELLNET is an invaluable resource for all breeders & Aimee is so very helpful. No questions are silly....
  5. Thank you for making this information available to support breeders in their work and passion. Breeders are the working link between the sciences and the new born puppies so breeders need the best , most current yet digestible information to breed healthy puppies of that breed and above all DO NO HARM to that breed. This means breeders MUST HAVE USABLE EFFECTIVE TOOLS for their often life's work, to be successful in their selection not for a ribbon, a title or three, but for the breed they love as a whole. The great academic work being done is not always accessible to breeders or easily understood. Sometimes this does lead inadvertently to HARM. BRIDGING BODIES ARE ESSENTIAL TO ENSURE THE GOOD WORK IS NOT WASTED BUT PROVIDED IN THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO BREEDERS. CANINE BODIES ARE IN THE POSITION TO ACT RESPONSIBLY AND HUNT DOWN THE BEST & MOST CURRENT RESEARCHED INFORMATION , PROVIDE IT FREELY TO THEIR BREEDERS, JUDGES & ALL THOSE WHO INFLUENCE THE DIRECTION OF BREEDS. OVERSEEING BODIES WHOSE DOCUMENTATION SUPPOSEDLY "CERTIFIES" THE PUREBRED STATUS AND LINEAGE MUST START TAKING 2019 SCIENCE TO THEIR DAILY PROCESSES. INDIVIDUALS IN ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS NOW NEED TO MAKE EDUCATED DECISIONS. TALKFESTS WITH COMMITTEES OF YESTERDAY HAVE SHOWN TO BE OUT OF TOUCH WITH GLOBAL PROCESS AND NOT KEPT ABREAST EDUCATIONALLY WITH 2019 PROCESSES AND THE SCIENCES WHICH SUPPORT IT. THIS IS RESULTING IN THE INABILITY TO " DO NO HARM " HOW & WHERE DO WE BEGIN TO FIX THIS?
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