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Here we will be featuring links to current research that may be of interest to clubs, health committees and dog breeders. Comments and perspectives will be posted as time permits. Viewpoints and impressions - dog breeder, veterinary epidemiologist, health club advisor

Entries in this blog

Review on ocular surface disorders in brachycephalic dogs

A review on ocular surface disorders in brachycephalic dogs has been published in December 2022. This review by Lionel Sebbag and Rick F. Sanchez "offers a summary of the physiological and anatomical features of brachycephalic ocular syndrome (BOS) that predispose brachycephalic dogs to develop ocular surface disease, followed by a concise description of common ocular diseases associated with BOS. It ends with an overview of evidence-based guidelines and animal welfare legislation that some in t

Katariina Mäki

Katariina Mäki in New research

Nordic collaboration study: Is there enough variation to breed healthier Pugs, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and Boston Terriers?

A Nordic collaboration study aimed to reveal if there is enough phenotypic and genotypic variation to breed for a change in anatomy and predisposition for Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS). The study gathered data and samples from each Scandinavian country on a wide variety of individual dogs of four brachycephalic breeds – English bulldog, French bulldog, Pug and Boston terrier. Here's the summary of the study: Lack of success in reduction of illness related to a

New study on front limb conformation in three short-legged breeds: clinical findings and methods for breeding healthier dogs

Lappalainen et al. from Helsinki University have published a study on differences in front limb conformation between three chondrodysplastic breeds. Chondrodysplasia is a skeletal disorder characterized by dwarfism and abnormal body proportions, giving the short-legged breeds their characteristic phenotype. The researchers studied angular front limb deformity (ALD), which refers to an excessively curved limb conformation, seen in some chondrodysplastic dog breeds. Common characteristics of

Katariina Mäki

Katariina Mäki in New research

High heritabilities for BOAS grades in Finland

Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), observed in many flat-faced dog breeds, is one of the most urgent welfare problems in pedigree dogs. A Finnish study evaluated the results gained from the Finnish Kennel Club's (FKC) BOAS test and estimated the heritability for clinically graded BOAS signs. The BOAS test used by the FKC includes: an exercise component with a recovery assessment, BOAS grading by a veterinarian that evaluates upper respiratory signs before and

Correcting the confusion around Degenerative Myelopathy

Correcting the Confusion around Degenerative Myelopathy Brenda Bonnett, BSc, DVM, PhD, Veterinary Science Officer, International Partnership for Dogs Jerold Bell, DVM, Adjunct Professor of Genetics Department of Clinical Sciences Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Tufts University, USA, Chairman, Hereditary Disease Committee, World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), and IPFD friend and collaborator has written the definitive paper on Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), DEGENERA

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett in New research

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