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HGTD & Genetic Testing

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What's new in the Harmonization of Genetic Testing database and genetic testing resources on IPFD.

Entries in this blog

HGTD This Week: NEW for the Phenes database - linkage vs direct mutation information

An outcome from the International Dog Health Workshop - Virtual, on Standardizing Genetic Testing, is to improve transparency on how genetic tests are performed - e.g. information on assays or other technical details. The primary focus of this was increasing transparency on where a linkage vs direct variant (mutation) test is being offered.    New HGTD Phenes resource: The phenes searchable database in HGTD has always provided genetic test provider (GTP)-specific information on ho

This week in HGTD: direct variant/mutation, linkage, and risk tests – what are they?

This blog describes common types of individual disease/trait genetic tests. Understanding the principles behind these tests can improve confidence in applying test results to breeding strategies and other decision-making, in conjunction with health experts.    The development of direct to consumer genetic testing means that many veterinarians, canine health advisors, breed and kennel clubs, and individual owners are basing breeding and other health considerations on testing information

HGTD This Week: BRR updates on SOD 1 testing for Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)

A recent research commentary paper, DEGENERATIVE MYELOPATHY-DIAGNOSIS AND INHERITANCE - Dr. Jerold Bell, from a lecture presented at the World Small Animal Veterinary Association 2021 Virtual World Congress 13 Nov. 2021 has summarized and clarified information on the clinical diagnosis and use of genetic testing for degenerative myelopathy (DM). Please see linked references below for more details.  Due to this new information, we have taken the decision to update the breed relevance ratings

HGTD This Week: What is a SNP-chip? FCI Podcast talks about genomic chip technology

The 9 November FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) podcast, hosted by Attila Márton, featured Dr Sára Sándor, who gave an excellent description of what a genomic chip is and how it assesses a dog's DNA to identify genetic variants (mutations) - taking some of the mystery out of a technology that many may know the name of, but few could describe!   Canine genetic testing technology has changed rapidly since the first DNA tests were offered to dog breeders and owners in the late 1

HGTD This week: Guess my dog! Are breed/type genetic tests right for you?

"Guess my dog's breed"... Maybe? The popularity of breed identification tests has been increasing in parallel with the interest in human “ancestry” genetic tests. The technology is similar, as are the sometimes surprising results. We recently had contact from a friend of IPFD who put their dog Olive through three different breed identification tests – with some expected, and unexpected (and perhaps concerning) results. This blog explores some of the reasons for variation in results, as well

HGTD This week: NEW feature - Key Comments

HGTD This Week: NEW feature - Key Comments In our continued effort to improve HGTD, we have a new addition to our breed-specific testing information. Complementing the Breed Relevance Ratings, the new Key Comments feature highlights in the breed search, any tests that have a comment related to the relevance of the test for that breed. Users can then click through to the phenes information to not only read the Key Comment, but also other general, and breed-specific information about the p

HGTD This week: How Breed Relevance Ratings (BRR) are estimated for cross-breeds and ALL dogs

Breed Relevance Ratings (BRR) are a way to assess the relevance of a specific test for a specific breed, based on the currently best-known information on the research and development of a test - but genetic tests are not limited to pedigree breeds. Genetic tests are used for a variety of reasons on all dogs, and understanding the relevance is important for any purpose-bred dog or breeding program, as well as individual dogs. BRR’s are estimated for all dogs, and where the research is not availab

HGTD This Week: NEW Inclusive breed-specific test listings on HGTD

HGTD This Week: NEW Inclusive breed-specific test listings on HGTD In our continued effort to improve HGTD, we have made major changes to our breed-specific genetic test listings. We’ve added a number of new features and information to help owners, breeders, and canine health professionals make the most of the breed-specific test listings.  See the updated article: HGTD - What is a Breed Relevance Rating? for more details. NEW Test type descriptions Breed-specific tests

HGTD This Week: What does is mean when a dog is promoted as "genetically tested?"

19 Oct 2020 If you’re a dog owner, or looking for a puppy what does it REALLY mean when a dog is “genetically tested”? “My dog is genetically tested” is an increasingly common statement from dog owners. We see it on breeder’s webpages as part of advertising puppies, or as information on the dam/sire… it’s common on social media as a point of pride or a mark of care and responsibility by owners… but what does genetically tested (or DNA tested) actually mean? While using genetic testi

HGTD This week: Calling all breed experts!

Calling All Breed Experts! HGTD’s phenes database and breed relevancy ratings (BRR) are an important source of information for anyone engaged in dog health and breeding, through the harmonizing of scientific data from a wide-variety of experts, research publications, veterinary and genetics researcher contributions, and in-house expertise.  Just as important, though, are the contributions from breed experts. Breed experts are individuals with significant knowledge of their breed or bre

HGTD This week: Vets - what can HGTD do for you?

Vets – what can HGTD do for you? Genetic testing is part of our dog's lives Just as genetic testing has become normalized in the human world, thanks to popular direct to consumer products like 23 and Me, or, so it has in the veterinary world. While perhaps once the preserve of specialist dog breeders, it is increasingly common for vets in practice to have questions from clients about DNA testing. While covering the basics of testing and inheritance is part of many veter

HGTD This Week, 7 Aug 2020: Canine Crime Scene Investigators

HGTD This Week, 7 Aug 2020: Canine Crime Scene Investigators When we think about genetic testing, we often focus on how it can be a tool to improve health and welfare - generally centered around breeding for health or finding more about the health or potential health risks for an individual dog. Knowing about health risks that are especially relevant to specific breeds or dog types makes testing even more powerful in helping reduce risks of disease or undesirable traits (see Breed Relevancy

Aimee Llewellyn-Zaidi

Aimee Llewellyn-Zaidi

HGTD This Week, 15 July 2020: One Disease, 20 Causes? It's All in the Name

The Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs (HGTD) project work includes harmonizing genetic test information across many different boundaries. That can be as simple as adding consistency to nomenclature from around the world, or as challenging as cataloging test information and research from dozens of different international sources. With so much variation in how tests are developed, and how they are released to the public, a big part of my work is ensuring that phene names we publish on HGTD

HGTD This week, 19 June 2020: NEW Orange Breed Relevance Rating (BRR)

The continued review of breed-specific tests for assigning relevance ratings, and ongoing discussions with genetic experts has led to a refinement of the breed relevance ratings (please see: BRR) . To better accommodate the spectrum of genetic test validation, we’ve added a new orange BRR.  The orange BRR indicates where all current available evidence has been reviewed, but the relevance is inconclusive. It could be that a mutation is detectable in a specific breed, but that there is no evi

HGTD This week, 28 May 2020: How OMIA is key to HGTD, and more fantastic phenes

HGTD, and IPFD, were thrilled to be able to send our very best wishes and acknowledgements to Prof Frank Nicholas, on the 25th Anniversary of the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) resource. (see Brenda's Blog) Collaboration with, and integration of OMIA's information is vital for a lot of what HGTD is able to do - and fundamental to animal genetics researchers the world over. OMIA is a catalogue/compendium of inherited disorders, other (single-locus) traits, and genes in 251 animal

HGTD This week, 12 May 2020: more breed-specific information, and more updated BRRs

HGTD Update: 12 May 2020 Since the last blog, we’ve had additional expert review of many Breed Relevance Ratings (BRRs) – particular in commonly tested eye conditions, and ataxias. As we are growing our expert out-reach for input into BRRs, we are pleased to note that there is consensus between experts self-reviewing their tests as well as peer-reviewing each other. This adds reassurance to us that the current BRR estimation of combining what we can learn from research publications, phene d

The HGTD Path to Improving Access to Genetic Testing Information

We get questions about how we ensure the quality of the information available on HGTD. It can actually be very challenging, and we rely on having good processes, and collaboration when developing content. To meet the IPFD principle of transparency, we are starting a series of blogs to describe how we manage this resource. We hope to then provide a regular news feed on HGTD developments and changes, to give you all an insight into this work. To get started, here is a little insight into running a

Aimee Llewellyn-Zaidi

Aimee Llewellyn-Zaidi

Harmonization of Genetic Testing (HGTD) 2019 Summary

The HGTD arose from discussions at the IPFD International Dog Health Workshops (IDHWs); it is a proud achievement,  exemplifying the IDHW tagline:  Information – Collaboration – Action! In 2019, the HGTD project could be summarized in one word: Growing. We’ve consistently grown our list of genetic test providers (GTPs). Participating GTPs have provided information on their accreditation, expertise, and practices – all of which helps individuals find a GTP that has the quality measures most

Brenda Bonnett

Brenda Bonnett

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