Other genetic testing
Breed: Newfoundland
Breeds in this Condition
See the Harmonization of Genetic Testing (HGTD)
HSP Test-Specific Data
The Kennel Club
Cystinuria (CU) see: HGTD Phene/test search: https://dogwellnet.com/ctp/
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Search results: Condition: Here you will see a list of all breeds listed as having this condition, text about the condition, and further below a list of all Health Strategy Providers (HSPs (kennel and breed clubs) that have data on this breed-condition. Note: if you are with an HSP and are not listed and would like to share information, contact us at info@ipfdogs.com.
See the Harmonization of Genetic Testing (HGTD)
Cystinuria (CU) see: HGTD Phene/test search: https://dogwellnet.com/ctp/
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