Other genetic testing
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Breeds in this Condition
See the Harmonization of Genetic Testing (HGTD)
HSP Test-Specific Data
Swedish Australian Shepherd Club
Australian Shepherd Health and Genetics Institute
"What dogs should be tested and how often?
Since this is a DNA test, a dog only needs to be tested once. Due to the high frequency of the mutation in the breed and the variety of drugs to which dogs with the mutation can react, all Aussies, including rescues of unknown parentage and Aussie-mixes should be tested. Their lives could depend on it.
The only exception is as follows: If both parents of a dog have tested Normal/Normal, they cannot pass on the gene and their offspring will not need to be tested. However, if a Normal/Normal dog is bred to one of unknown status or one that has even a single copy of the mutation, the offspring must be tested."
The Kennel Club
Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA/CH) see: HGTD Phene/test search: https://dogwellnet.com/ctp/