Report Entry
The International Partnership for Dogs
The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD) is a non-profit organization leading a global, multi-stakeholder effort to enhance dog health, well-being, and welfare.
~ The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD): 2023 Milestones and Ongoing Work in 2024 ~
Nine board members participated throughout 2023, with Dino Muto (ENCI) joining the Board as its tenth member in December. The Board had four online meetings in 2023 (March, June, September, and December), and held the first meeting of 2024 on 31 January.
With suggestions presented by the Swedish Kennel Club, IPFD added a representative from the SKK − Eva Lejdbrandt − who was elected to the IPFD Board.
- The Board established a publishing committee to adjudicate the posting of any possibly sensitive research or papers to ensure that IPFD is always positioned and seen as being neutral and information-based, not-opinion based.
- During 2023, IPFD had 15 Contributing Partners, 13 Breed-Specific and Non-Breed-Specific Collaborating Partners, and approximately two dozen additional organisations and companies that are sharing their knowledge and resources. There was a notable partner renewal, along with the addition of one new national kennel club:
- IPFD continues to expand the content and features within the Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs (HGTD), which also served as the backdrop for three webinars (see Dog Health Workshops section below).
IPFD launched the Health Strategies Database for Dogs (HSDD), a free, searchable database that includes breed-specific health/mentality testing requirements and recommendations established by Health Strategy Providers (HSPs) around the world.
The recurring IPFD feature, Dog Breeds: What You Need to Know, was published in six issues of the WSAVA Bulletin and provided resources and highlights on breed-specific diseases for six dog breeds. These articles included links to IPFD’s growing library of Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profiles (GRIHPs), which now includes profiles for 25 breeds (with more planned for 2024).
- Six issues of the DogWellNet Digest e-newsletter were published in 2023. IPFD’s social media reach continues to expand, and the number of posts promoting IPFD and its resources has been increased.
- The Consulting Team and IT consultants have begun planning to redesign and streamline the website in 2024, with the aim of significant changes to be completed in time for the 5th IDHW in June. They are building a separate domain specifically for IPFD – the organization – to highlight its contributing partners, consultants, programs, and basic information with links to as a separate entity powered by IPFD.
On 15 March, IPFD hosted its third webinar, Parentage Profiling for Kennel Clubs (co-hosted by Embark), bringing together stakeholders from around the world for an online discussion on how parentage profiling via genetics can support pedigree registration & dog health. Embark was pleased with the results and has signalled interest in further partnership discussions in 2024. IPFD has been in talks with Embark to sign on as lead for the Breeder Program for the North American Region.
IPFD and Orivet (official sponsor of IPFD Virtual Meetings - Oceania Region for 2023-2024) presented a free webinar, Breeding for Health and Purpose, on 1 August. More than 200 breeders and stakeholders in dog health took part in this session aiming to help dog breeders to develop holistic breeding plans that improve health and welfare, as well as to meet the goals of the breeder using evidence-based tools balancing the art and science of dog breeding. IPFD expects to co-host more events with Orivet in the future.
- Preparations for the 5th International Dog Health Workshop (13-15 June, Helsinki) are well underway, with the consulting team coordinating logistics in conjunction with co-hosts, the Finnish Kennel Club. In addition to a full slate of social, educational, and action planning activities, the 5th IDHW (Theme: “Partners in Dog Health”) will also be a time to celebrate IPFD’s 10th Anniversary and reflect on what IPFD has accomplished with its partners in dog health over the past decade. Registration is open through 10 May.
IPFD’s consulting team has continued its work in building relationships with existing and new contributors.
IPFD has signed new agreements supporting the Breeder Program with the Royal Kennel Club and Orivet (for the UK region and Oceana respectively).
IPFD is also in initial communications with other GTPs to focus on the European Market and recruit additional Partners.
IPFD has also begun to investigate a National Breed Club membership program in North America with the large National Breed Clubs. A written a letter will be signed by IPFD Board members Dr. Marty Greer and David Eikelberg. Membership will require a nominal donation, but it will help us to open the gateway to being part of the breeders’ go-to resources for all things genetic testing.
The CEO is working with Jo Gale at Royal Canin on a sponsorship around her homeless dogs research. She will be delivering a keynote address at the 5th IDHW, and she is interested in further supporting IPFD and the IDHW. A $25,000 sponsorship was secured and is being used for funding the 5th IDHW.
IPFD was generously invited to attend and present at the recent G8 Kennel Club meeting. It was deemed not cost-effective and on short notice for IPFD’s CEO to attend, but the Vice Chair, Bill Lambert, graciously agreed to attend and present on behalf of IPFD. Early feedback has been very positive.
- continues to be the exclusive international source for Agria’s Swedish Insurance Data, which is available for download by breed clubs (for applicable breeds) in IPFD's Pedigree Breeds database.
IPFD has made inroads with the lead of the American Kennel Club’s Genetic Testing Group. She will be attending the IDHW, and she has been invited to speak at the workshop as well.
IPFD has begun to reach out to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and the University of Missouri to rebuild and develop a strong working relationship.
IPFD has also secured two additional sponsorships from Royal Canin for ($20,000) IPFD costs and planning and Agria (provided to the Finnish Kennel Club) for the 5th IDHW. Both of these groups will be giving key addresses at the workshop.
Download this article in PDF format: IPFD 2023 Milestones and Ongoing Work in 2024.pdf
IPFD Board
Partners and Sponsors
o Raad van Beheer (The Dutch Kennel Club) renewed its role as an IPFD Contributing Partner.
o Italy’s national kennel club, ENCI - Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana, joined IPFD as a Contributing Partner in June.
Communication and Projects
o New Genetic Test Providers (GTPs) began participation with HGTD, and all those GTPs who intended to renew participation for 2023-2024 onwards have agreed to the increased minimum participation costs.
o HGTD continues to be the most up-to-date resource on genetic testing and genetic test providers, and the only borderless international resource that comprehensively lists and provides clinical, genetic, and breeding application information for all dogs.
Dog Health Workshops
Building Partnerships
Watch for IPFD's 2023 Annual Report - Coming Soon!
Make a Donation
IPFD is truly a "people driven" service organization. We allocate the bulk of our financial resources to maintain a small but dedicated team of consultants to manage our modest resources and facilitate the activities of our stakeholders, with the aim of achieving our collective goals.
You can specify how your donation is used (support IPFD and its programs and activities OR support the Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs). All donations are handled securely via PayPal.
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Report Entry
Nine board members participated throughout 2023, with Dino Muto (ENCI) joining the Board as its tenth member in December. The Board had four online meetings in 2023 (March, June, September, and December), and held the first meeting of 2024 on 31 January.
Our Signature Work
Our Platform - is the online platform for IPFD and is a curated information hub as well as housing resources to support actions by IPFD and its Partners and Collaborators.
International Dog Health Workshops
The IPFD's signature events, the IDHWs bring together decision makers from professional, regulatory, national and regional, welfare and other organisations that are stakeholders in dog health, well-being and welfare and human-dog interactions under the tagline 'From Information and Collaboration to Action'. The 5th IDHW takes place 13-15 June 2024, in Helsinki, Finland and will be co-hosted by the Finnish Kennel Club.Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs Database
The HGTD Database catalogs information provided voluntarily from genetic test providers (GTPs) including information on their company and services, quality measures and expertise, tests offered and more. We are continually engaging more GTP participants. IPFD has collated and assembled existing and new resources for genetic counselling and education and provided the foundation for further developments.
Health Strategies Database for Dogs
The HSDD Database includes breed-specific health/mentality testing requirements and recommendations established by Health Strategy Providers (HSPs) including kennel clubs, breed clubs, veterinary organizations, and others.
Pedigree Breeds DatabaseAs of March 2024, our Pedigree Breeds Database lists 184 breeds. Information includes breed standards, population data, club newsletters, breed databases, videos and much more. Sections on Native Breeds and Additional Resources including Agria Breed Profiles; Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profile (GRIHP) articles, which describe the Big Picture of health on (all) conditions that are of interest within a breed; and associated IPFD WSAVA Meet the Breed articles are available. Many thanks to breed experts and clubs who share information on their breed with the Community.
Download IPFD's 2023 Annual Report: A Decade of Collaboration and other annual reports here!