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  • The International Partnership for Dogs

    The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD) is a non-profit organization leading a global, multi-stakeholder effort to enhance dog health, well-being, and welfare.

  • ~ Contributing Partners ~

    Founding, Initiating and other Partners contributing financially to IPFD

    13 entries in this category

      Mars Petcare

      Top Photo:


      Brief Bio:
      “Mars Petcare is a leading provider of high quality, science-backed nutrition and therapeutic health products.”

      “It’s undeniable: Pets truly make the world a better place. That’s why we’re inspired to live our Purpose: A Better World For Pets™, a world where they’re healthy, happy and welcome.”

      Dutch Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      Raad van Beheer (The Dutch Kennel Club (DKC)) is the official kennel club of The Netherlands. Founded in 1902, it currently represents around 200 breed clubs with 150,000 members.

      Canadian Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      The CKC is incorporated under Animal Pedigree Act, a federal statute under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture. The organization includes approximately 20,000 individual members and over 700 breed clubs across Canada. The Club registers purebred dogs, regulates dog shows and performance events, and speaks out on major issues concerning dog ownership and the health & welfare of dogs across Canada.

      Royal Canin

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      Brief Bio:
      Royal Canin is a global leader in pet health nutrition. In an industry that continues to adapt to popular trends in cat and dog food, our mission will remain the same; to constantly bring, through Health Nutrition and shared knowledge, the most precise nutritional solution for cats' and dogs' health nutrition needs, by building on constantly deepened scientific knowledge and Royal Canin's roots in the feline and canine professional networks.

      Irish Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      The Irish Kennel Club promotes the responsible ownership and breeding of dogs throughout Ireland through education, registration, training and support schemes and events.


      The Italian Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana (ENCI) (the Italian Kennel Club in English), is Italy's primary kennel club, overseeing dog pedigree registration. ENCI also provides the country's show judges and other dog show-related services.

      The Finnish Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      Suomen Kennelliitto (Finnish Kennel Club, in English) - Established in 1889, the Finnish Kennel Club is a nationwide expert organisation on canine matters. Its aim is to promote the breeding of pedigree dogs, support diverse dog-related activities and improve dog-keeping standards in Finland. FKC disseminates expert information and serves as a comprehensive lobbying organisation for Finnish and international dog activities.

      Norwegian Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      The NKC has more than 225 membership clubs and 13 regions. Our clubs have a total of 75,000 members, and we register approximately 30,000 puppies annually.

      The French Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      The French Kennel Club - SOCIÉTÉ CENTRALE CANINE (SCC) - was founded in 1881 as a non-profit organization by dog fanciers aiming to replenish native dog breeds and to bring in and establish foreign ones as well. The Société Centrale Canine became soon the reference canine organization, being recognized as a public interest organization by decree of the Council of State in April 1914.

      The Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      The Kennel Club is the biggest investor in canine health and welfare in the country. It registers approximately 250,000 pedigree dogs each year and thousands more on its companion dog and activity registers, and it and runs Petlog, the UK's largest lost and found database for microchipped pets. The Club invests the money that it makes back into dogs through the Kennel Club Charitable Trust and the Kennel Club Educational Trust. Its charitable initiatives include supporting rehoming centres and investing in research and the development of DNA tests to help prevent canine diseases. The Kennel Club has its own Genetics Centre at the Animal Health Trust where this work is carried out.

      The German Kennel Club

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      Brief Bio:
      For more than 100 years now the VDH has been exerting a positive influence on life with a dog in Germany. The VDH has established itself as the greatest lobby group, as an institution rich in tradition and as a seal of quality, and is much sought after as an absolute authority on all matters relating to dogs. For professionals from the media, courts of justice, government ministries, local authorities and also for those simply interested in dogs – the VDH is the first point of contact for everyone.


      An overview of the VDH (in German) can be found here.

      Agria Animal Insurance

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      Brief Bio:
      Agria partners with IPFD through the Agria SKK Research Fund (the Formal Patron of IPFD). Note: The site is displayed in Swedish by default, but your browser (Google Chrome or Internet Explorer) should be able to translate the text to English by right-clicking on the page and selecting the translation option from the menu. Firefox users can find a handy translation add-on available here.

      The Swedish Kennel Club

      Top Photo:


      Brief Bio:
      The SKK - Svenska Kennelklubben (Swedish Kennel Club, in English), is Sweden's largest organisation dedicated to dogs and dog owners. We represent the interests of our 300,000 members – first time dog owners, experienced breeders, hunters, dog lovers, puppy buyers, exhibitors, agility competitors and many more.

  • Our Signature Work


    Our Platform -


   is the online platform for IPFD and is a curated information hub as well as housing resources to support actions by IPFD and its Partners and Collaborators.




    International Dog Health Workshops



    The IPFD's signature events, the IDHWs bring together decision makers from professional, regulatory, national and regional, welfare and other organisations that are stakeholders in dog health, well-being and welfare and human-dog interactions under the tagline 'From Information and Collaboration to Action'. The 5th IDHW takes place 13-15 June 2024, in Helsinki, Finland and will be co-hosted by the Finnish Kennel Club.




    Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs Database


    The HGTD Database catalogs information provided voluntarily from genetic test providers (GTPs) including information on their company and services, quality measures and expertise, tests offered and more. We are continually engaging more GTP participants. IPFD has collated and assembled existing and new resources for genetic counselling and education and provided the foundation for further developments.




    Health Strategies Database for Dogs


    The HSDD Database includes breed-specific health/mentality testing requirements and recommendations established by Health Strategy Providers (HSPs) including kennel clubs, breed clubs, veterinary organizations, and others.



    Pedigree Breeds Database



    As of March 2024, our Pedigree Breeds Database lists 184 breeds. Information includes breed standards, population data, club newsletters, breed databases, videos and much more. Sections on Native Breeds and Additional Resources including Agria Breed Profiles; Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profile (GRIHP) articles, which describe the Big Picture of health on (all) conditions that are of interest within a breed; and associated IPFD WSAVA Meet the Breed articles are available. Many thanks to breed experts and clubs who share information on their breed with the Community.




    IPFD Annual Report 2023 - Cover.jpg




    Download IPFD's 2023 Annual Report: A Decade of Collaboration and other annual reports here!


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