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Search Term: Golden Retriever


Additional tests available for all Dogs...
Diagnostic Tool
Genetic Disease/Disorder
Other Genetic Traits

  • Genetic Test Ratings for Specific Breeds
    greenpaw.png  Some, moderate or strong evidence from available research. The test may be meaningful or recommended for this breed.
    yellowpaw.png  Unknown, not evaluated, or no evidence for the use of this test in this breed.
    orangepaw.png  All current available evidence has been reviewed, but relevance is inconclusive, and/or the clinical form of the disease has never been seen in this breed.
    redpaw.png  All current evidence indicates that the test is not meaningful or recommended in this breed.
    Ratings for the tests available for ALL DOGS are similar to those for individual breeds, but reflect the general level of relevance across all dogs.

    Breed Relevance Rating : The HGTD database includes a simplified rating, indicating the level of available evidence supporting the use of a specific genetic test for each breed/type. The relevance rating is determined based on various evidence sources, including peer-reviewed research papers, recommendations from the original researchers/test developers, and input from additional experts including veterinary specialists and breed experts.

    It is important when considering the ratings to understand that this indicates how much we currently know or do not know about a specific test for a specific breed. This does not necessarily indicate how “good”, or “bad” a test is. It also does not indicate the wider clinical importance of the disease or condition.  Genetic tests should be used as tools within the Big Picture of health for any breed.

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