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Brenda Bonnett

Viewed: 4,052 times

wordcloud6-5-4thidhw-key-experiences.pngconcept of breed 2b.jpgThanks to our co-hosts, The Kennel Club, the 4th International Dog Health Workshop was a great success.  The consensus seems to be that the IDHWs just keep getting better and better.  This is due in great part to the efforts of the attendees - decision leaders from 18 countries, representing all stakeholders in dog health and welfare - including representatives from research,  the veterinary world, welfare organizations, kennel and breed organizations, and more.  Stellar plenary speakers set the tone for intense and productive breakout sessions in the various themes.  The themes were: Genetics, Breed-Specific Breeding Strategies, The Concept of Breed and its Impact on Health, Supply and Demand, and Extremes of Conformation.

Below you will find links to fantastic pre- and post-workshop materials.  Be sure to check in to and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for important updates from the several working groups who are already moving ahead with needed actions.  As seen in the word cloud from our participants, a key aspect of this meeting is collaboration and networking.  Coming together with others who are dealing with similar challenges and who share a commitment to health dogs provides a boost of energy for both cooperative efforts as well as the day to day work by these committed dog people.

Below you will also see reports and write ups about the 4th IDHW, and there will be more as the work continues.  Thanks to all who attended, and we will keep you informed on developing plans for the 5th IDHW in 2021.





4th IDHW Pre- and Post-Meeting Resources
From pre-meeting reading material to posters and slide presentations from the workshop, we've compiled materials from the 4th IDHW, so that participants can refer back to them - and so that those who were unable to attend can also benefit from this impressive collection of downloadable resources. Pre-Meeting Resources | Post Meeting Resources




Articles on the 4th IDHW

Vet Record News: 4th IDHW workshop - "Improving the health of pedigree dogs"BMJ.png

Lance Novak, Executive Director, Canadian Kennel Club: From My Side of the Desk: Canine Health and Wellness

Several articles by Ian J. Seath of the Dachshund Breed Council (DBC):

Aimee Llewellyn-Zaidi's Report from the Genetic Testing Theme, from the 4th International Dog Health Workshop

Canine Genetics and Epidemiology Journal.  As following the 3rd IDHW, we are compiling a report on the 4th that will be review and published by our collaborating partners at CGE.  If you haven't seen the previous article, check it out here.


Global Pet Obesity Initiative

15157_APOP_LOGO_FINAL copy.pngAfter an overwhelming show of support by attendees of the 4th IDHW, IPFD has confirmed its support of the Global Pet Obesity Initiative Position Statement (launched by The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP)) calling for the veterinary profession to adopt uniform nomenclature for canine and feline obesity.

IPFD is currently in discussions with APOP to look at ways to collaborate on the important issue of canine obesity.




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