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  3. The prevelance of NCL8 mutations in English Setter populations globally, is unknown. In part, this is due to there not being a centralised database collecting this information, or depending on the country, any collation of genetic or health test results. With panel testing being a common form of genetic testing, having all the possible (e.g. rare) variants included mean we might in future have a bit more information on the frequency of mutation and any impacts breeding strategies may have. As for why some countries include this test, it is typically down to input from the national breed clubs, researchers/veterinary advisors, test availability, and disease risk/severity. The breed relevance ratings IPFD uses is based on the availability of breed-specific research that indicates the variant being tested for is causal for the disease, not on it being "recommended" as that can vary depending on a number of population-specific factors.
  4. Last week
  5. Has Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis been detected in the English Setter population outside of a laboratory colony since the test for NCL8 was developed in 2014? I'm well aware of the history of the disease which was first discovered in Norway in the 1950's, but after more than 40 years of having English Setters in the USA, I've never heard of a case in my breed here. The test for NCL8 is available from a few American labs, but I think I'm one of the few who has used it (with Normal results from a dog with an imported sire having several Norwegian ancestors). In contrast, a number of European clubs either require or recommend the NCL8 test. What is the current status of this disease? Jane Burrows
  6. Earlier
  7. I looked at ours and OMIA database and it seems that the mode of inheritance as autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance has been reported in Doberman Pinscher and Kromfohrländer. In other breeds a recessive mode of inheritance has been proposed. In a study by Donner et al. (2023) they say: The most common disease-associated variants observed in the present study expectedly included some known genetically widespread variants that are also frequently requested targets for genetic screening, such as DM, CEA, prcd-PRA, HUU, exercise-induced collapse (EIC), MDR1 (multidrug resistance 1) medication sensitivity, and von Willebrand’s disease type 1 (vWD 1) [18–21, 55–57]. Despite extensive genetic testing for these variants, challenges in determining and understanding their penetrance and expressivity in different breed backgrounds partially persist, as exemplified by phenotype studies of dogs genetically at risk of DM, CEA, and cone-rod dystrophy (cord1-PRA/crd4) [58–60]. For these and other variants, there are potentially unidentified genetic risk and age of onset modifiers that blur a clear Mendelian inheritance pattern. It can also be particularly difficult to interpret what role in the regulation of disease onset is played by variants originally published based on study of a subset of the canine population, or with limited functional evidence supporting causality. So some research would be needed to be sure. There has been some recent research in Feragen, for example - maybe you could ask them if you could send them samples? They published this paper: vWDI is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with incomplete penetrance, in the Kromfohrländer breed
  8. Our breed, as well as many other breeds, are affected by vWB type1. There are differing references by Universities & DNA testing companies as to if vWB1's inheritance is AUTOSOMNAL RECESSIVE with incomplete penetrance or AUTOSOMNAL DOMINANT with incomplete penetrance? This leaves breeders in a quandary as to which statement is correct. This problem needs to be defined, giving breeders the answer to the question of RECESSIVE or DOMINANT mode? Is this something which DWN could help with? Perhaps you know a researcher who is, or would like to be, working on this important dilemma? Thank you for your consideration of this. Jane Evans, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
  9. Sure - I'll add your breed to the list. Thank you for your active participation, we really appreciate it!
  10. Thank you so much Katariina. My breed is EPAGNEUL NAIN CONTINENTAL (CONTINENTAL TOY SPANIEL) & has 2 varieties; Papillon with erect ears & Phalène with drop ears. To have them on the 2026 list would be wonderful. Is this possible please. I maintain the Archive here in Australia & have good historical references & can ask George Sofrinidis at ORIVET here for DNA data for our breed.
  11. Thank you, Jane! We welcome breed suggestions. It's always easier to put together an article like this about a breed when enthusiasts provide us with information and links about the health and welfare of the breed! This year's breed list is full, but we can add new breeds to next year's list.
  12. Absolutely excellent initiative. Thank you. How do we initiate our own breeds to be a part of this terrific system?
  13. I attended the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) online conference on the illegal puppy trade on 4 February. The conference program included a slate of expert speakers who addressed various aspects of this important issue. Educate the buyers – Without demand, there’s no supply In their opening speeches, Dr. Tamás Jakkel (FCI President) and Jørgen Hindse (President of the FCI European Section) emphasised the need for cooperation between different stakeholders in this area. Dr. Jakkel also emphasised that the two most important steps in dog breeding are: 1) deciding which female and male should produce a litter together, and 2) finding the right homes for the puppies, as puppies in suitable homes rarely end up homeless. Jørgen Hindse pointed out that only 14% of dogs in the EU are FCI registered pedigree dogs, and yet FCI breeders are most often blamed for animal welfare problems. Hindse stressed that it is important for the puppy buyer to see the mother and the conditions in which the puppies are reared. This is not possible in puppy mills. He welcomed the new EU law requiring all dogs to have identification and concluded that the key to eliminating puppy mills is to educate puppy buyers. Without demand, there's no supply. Four Paws calls for three important EU actions Nick Weston (Head of International Campaigns, FOUR PAWS) gave an overview of the illegal puppy trade in the EU. Among the points he highlighted: There is an annual demand for 5.99 million puppies. The value of the annual dog trade is 4.6 billion euros. 79% of dogs come from unknown or illegal sources. 2000 new advertisements for dogs are placed daily on classifieds websites. Traceability of sellers is weak. In 2021, the EU recognised the illegal puppy trade as organised crime. These figures are taken from FOUR PAWS's excellent report, 'Billion Euro Industry - Why the EU must strengthen regulations to end the illegal puppy trade now'. The 50-page report includes nine supporting documents. It is the most comprehensive look at the puppy trade currently available. Weston said no one is safe from illegal puppy traders. Most people don't know about the poor welfare conditions in this business – or they do know, but they want to rescue/save the puppy. It is a perfect business model for the criminals: people will buy anyway. This is high-risk consumer behaviour: people want to buy a puppy NOW, no matter the consequences. Harmonised legislation is needed to tackle the illegal trade in the EU. FOUR PAWS is calling for three actions: Mandatory identification and registration of all dogs and cats Classified ad sites to use a registration verification system for puppy ads (Veripet) Improved interoperability of databases so that every dog in the EU can be traced throughout its life. These actions should also be extended to social media groups. Four Paws has met with Meta, which is taking this issue seriously. What everyone can do: Contact the AGRI Committee (via FOUR PAWS: Regulate the EU Puppy Trade Now) Raise awareness: inform your members, inform the media Encourage your MEPs to vote – dog and cat welfare legislation will be voted on this summer. Three presentations on welfare issues and health risks The presentations on welfare issues and health risks included: Dr. Gabriella Markus (Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Foundation, The Bojtár Association – Animal Guardian Legal Aid Helpline): Welfare issues and struggles in the “producing” countries, Dr. Lilla Balatonyi (clinical veterinarian): Health risks of being born on a puppy farm, and Dr. Ágnes Sátori (veterinary behaviourist): Future behavioural problems of puppies coming from illegal trade. All three presentations were very thought provoking, and they underscored the need to stop the illegal puppy mills immediately…to end all the suffering they cause. In puppy mills, there's no expertise, no genetic testing, no vaccinations/antiparasitics or other treatments, and no love for the animals. And there are also many ‘rescue’ organisations and shelters that are in fact, puppy mills. Some of the things that stuck in my mind from these three presentations: Suffering of the bitches Puppy mill bitches don't know human touch – they are only touched twice a year when they are mated. They have a general fear of people. They don't go for walks, don't get to see and feel the sun, don't hear normal environmental sounds like birds and other animals. They must live with constant environmental noise and fear, so their stress levels are high. They have a litter every six months and are abandoned as soon as they are no longer needed. The size of the male is not considered in matings, so the puppies are often too large to be born naturally. Signs of botched caesareans and non-veterinary episiotomies are common, and these often kill the mother and sometimes the puppies too. Debarking is common, to make the dogs silent. Many health problems from poor nutrition Both bitches and puppies are in poor condition due to poor nutrition and environment. As a result, the mother's milk does not contain antibodies against the major pathogens. Puppies have parasites and viral diseases, and because they are not vaccinated even against rabies, they pose a risk to humans. Misuse of antibiotics is wide – to mask infections at the time of sale. Poor maternal nutrition leads to impaired foetal gastrointestinal development, which results in puppies having problems absorbing nutrients. Poor nutrition also causes microbiome dysbiosis, which results in chronic diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal problems. Poor nutrition causes also underdevelopment of the nervous system and brain biochemistry. This results in defective production of hormones, such as serotonin, so puppies cannot control their emotions, for instance. Behavioural problems and genetic diseases Many behavioural problems are the result of poor conditions/nutrition and epigenetic mechanisms. In addition, puppies are born with genetic diseases such as hydrocephalus, blindness, deafness, and patellar luxation. This is due to the breeders’ lack of knowledge or ignorance of genetic problems. Puppy mills in Hungary Dr Gabriella Markus described the puppy mills in Hungary, where puppy farming has a long tradition. It's considered, by some, better for people to earn money this way than to do nothing and be on welfare. The dogs are fed twice a day and that's about all the care they get. The food is of poor quality, unsuitable for dogs and normal puppy development. The primary reason for this poor care is a lack of knowledge. There is a licensing system for breeders, but it’s useless for monitoring animal welfare because registering is as easy as opening an account on eBay. The police have no money to investigate suspected animal cruelty so that the criminals can be convicted. Only the victims can appeal the cases, but the victim in this case is an animal... It is so easy to run an illegal puppy mill in Hungary that people move their business there if they are caught in their own country. Buyers want puppies as young as possible Pet shops and buyers want puppies as young as possible. However, the rabies vaccine cannot be given until the puppy is 12 weeks old, so documents are falsified. Some veterinarians rubber-stamp vaccination certificates, which puppy mill owners fill in with other information – and the puppy remains unvaccinated. Outbreaks of rabies have occurred in Romania, Poland, and Hungary in recent years, so this is a real threat to humans. A new trend to circumvent the rules is to search for 1- to 6-year-old bitches in secret Whatsapp and other social media groups. The bitches are mated and transported pregnant into puppy mills, under non-commercial transport status. The resulting puppies are untraceable. The objectives of the EU to tackle the illegal dog trade Lucie Carrouée (DG SANTE, Deputy Head of Unit, Unit G3 – Animal welfare) and Alicja Muznik (Policy officer, DG SANTE, Unit G5 – Food hygiene, feed and fraud) talked about ‘The objectives of the EU to tackle the illegal dog trade’. Lucie Carrouée and Alicja Muznik work in the Commission's Health and Food Safety department, which is responsible for EU policy on food safety and health and for monitoring the implementation of related legislation. They highlighted several challenges, such as Commercial activities disguised as non-commercial Falsified vaccination documents Animals from Russia and Belarus sold as EU pets to unknown recipients in the EU using Polish, Latvian, and Estonian transporters Falsified EU pet passports Illegal breeding and import of animals by Romanian associations The EU is tackling these activities with tools such as direct contact points for the pet trade, regular task force meetings and information exchange, and the involvement of police and prosecutors. A traceability infrastructure has been planned for the proposed EU legislation on the welfare of dogs and cats, including interoperability between national databases and a verification system for dog and cat advertisements. Sellers will have to provide specific information in advertisements, such as the sex, date of birth, country of birth, and breed of the animal in question. They will also have to provide the buyer with information on responsible ownership and a link to the verification system where the buyer can check the identification and registration of the puppy. FCI survey on cultural differences and human tendencies affecting the illegal puppy trade The last talk was, ‘Cultural differences and human tendencies affecting the illegal puppy trade based on the FCI Survey’, given by Attila Márton (FCI PR Advisor, member of the FCI Health & Welfare Committee). The talk included interesting results of the FCI survey, which will be published soon. My Closing Thoughts – Opportunities for Collaboration I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Jakkel on the need for cooperation in ending the illegal puppy trade. And it’s important to note that this issue extends far beyond the EU – into North America and elsewhere around the world. IPFD and decision-makers from the global dog community have been addressing the issue of supply and demand within a recurring theme at our International Dog Health Workshops (IDHWs). Below are links to related materials from the 5th IDHW, held last year in Helsinki: Supply and Demand: Theme Overview 5th IDHW Presentations 5th IDHW Theme Outcomes I would encourage FCI and FOUR PAWS – and all organisations and leaders who recognise the importance and power of international collaboration – to take part in IPFD’s ongoing discussions and make plans to join us at our 6th IDHW in Bologna, Italy, in the spring of 2026. We’re always available and ready to discuss collaborative solutions to issues that affect canine health and well-being. We welcome you to connect with us at or
  14. This article on Labrador Retrievers is part of a series to highlight the Big Picture of health, welfare and breeding and to help develop Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profiles (GRIHPs) for many breeds. See IPFD's Get a GRIHP! on Breed Health Initiative This is a 'living document' - so if anyone has more material to share or point us to - please let us know! (Photo: Daniel Albany / Pixabay)
  15. Helle Friis Proschowsky, from the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Copenhagen University, has just published a Horizon Topic paper with Maja Arendt, Brenda Bonnett, Camilla Bruun, Irena Czycholl, Merete Fredholm, Dan O'Neill, James Serpell, and Peter Sandøe. The title of the paper is "A new future for dog breeding". The paper presents a review of modern dog breeding, outlining the current situation and suggesting improvements to enhance the health and welfare of dogs in the future. The authors view this paper as a call to action, providing a framework for driving meaningful change. Overview of the Current Situation The authors begin with an overview of the current situation: The modern idea of purebred dogs has come under increasing critical scrutiny in recent decades. In light of this critical focus and other developments in society, new trends in how companion dogs are bred and acquired have emerged. This means a diminishing influence from traditional kennel clubs – with more dogs being sold without a pedigree, stricter legal restrictions on dog breeding, growing popularity of deliberate crosses of established breeds (i.e., so-called 'designer breeds'), and growing hype around the benefits of mixed-breed dogs. They then provide an overview of these trends and discuss the extent to which they will facilitate the promotion of dogs that are innately healthy, enjoy good welfare, and function well in their various roles in today's world. The authors contend that newly created designer breeds and mixed breeds also exhibit concerning health and behavioural issues. They posit that the predictability of purebred dogs with respect to body size, fundamental behaviours, known grooming requirements, disorder profiles, and other attributes may confer benefits for a mutually satisfying human-dog relationship. What Would Be the Solutions? The optimal future seems to lie in the middle ground, the authors state. The future organised dog world (i.e., kennel and breed clubs or their successor organisations) will need to: re-open the breed registries remove wording from breed standards that currently promotes extreme conformation support selection against disease-predisposing genotypes and phenotypes, and refocus dog showing and breeding to promote health and appropriate behaviour IPFD 5th International Dog Health Workshop Discussed These Same Issues Discussions on this subject also took place at IPFD’s 5th International Dog Health Workshop in June 2024. There was widespread agreement on moving away from extreme conformation and inbreeding, and towards accepting crossbreeding as a legitimate tool for breeders – as well as towards following scientific evidence on canine genetics and health. It was agreed that these principles should become priorities for welfare-minded organisations at the national and international levels. A better education of puppy buyers, breeders, show judges, and other stakeholders was identified as a recurring priority across all four workshop themes. Read the Horizon Paper View/Download the Horizon Paper Here
  16. I breed EPAGNEUL NAIN CONTINENTAL/ Papillons & Phalènes in Australia. I also maintain a significant Archive of the breed from both in & outside Australia. We are beginning to see new findings in our breed as new DNA tests arrive & breeders need support with understanding the relevance & importance of these findings in & for our breed. e.g. IVDD, ACDD,Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia, double coats fi d in our single coated breed etc. Another concern is the issue of Type 1 von Willebrands, with breeders continuing to breed a dog with a single copy of vWB 1, on the basis of it having been Autosomnal Recessive. When we now look at UC DAVIS information we are looking at it being Autosomnal Dominant with incomplete penetrance. Here in Australia Gribbles Pathology offers a blood test to evaluate the dogs levels of vWB factor. Working with IPFD & DOGWELLNET is an invaluable resource for all breeders & Aimee is so very helpful. No questions are silly....
  17. Closed populations and the pursuit of exaggerated traits predispose dog breeds to health and behavioural problems. What should be done in this situation to ensure that pedigree dog breeding can continue in the future and that the reputation of pedigree dogs is enhanced? Some countries have gone the way of breed bans, but in Finland the solutions are different. The Finnish Kennel Club's (FKC) webinar on 21 November 2024 explored what these solutions might mean in practice. The webinar was open to everyone, and the panel included Kirsi Sainio (PhD, Associate Professor of Developmental Biology, Chair of the FKC Breeding Committee), Vilma Reunanen (Licentiate in Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Specialist), and Liisa Lilja-Maula (DVM, Associate Professor of Veterinary Medicine). Kirsi Sainio hoped legislation would help, but too much regulation is not good The webinar started with a presentation by Kirsi Sainio (also a member of IPFD's distinguished Board), who shared some statistics about the number of dogs and dog breeds in different parts of the world. Most dogs in the world are not pedigree dogs. The FCI, the umbrella organisation of the FKC and other member countries' national clubs, has published statistics on the percentage of FCI registered dogs in different countries, and Finland has the highest percentage in Europe (64% in 2022). Sainio also went through the dog-related legislation in Finland and gave an overview of the upcoming EU legislation. Finland's current Animal Welfare Act came into force on 1.1.2023. The content of the Act reflects the desire of Finnish society to take preventive care of the welfare of dogs and other animals, rather than just protecting them from suffering. Members of the FKC have also called for the FKC to take more action to improve the welfare of dogs and reduce the incidence of hereditary diseases. A Contributing Partner of the International Partnership for Dogs, The Finnish Kennel Club (Finnish site) (English site) has approximately 130,000 members, and its breeding database, which is open to all, contains information on approximately 1.5 million dogs. The FKC has a large number of disease tests for breeding purposes, perhaps the most in the world. The number of disease tests carried out each year is increasing, and the FKC, with the help of vets, has recently developed many new tests, the most recent being a screening test for shoulder osteochondrosis and a test for elbow incongruency in short-legged dogs. The new Animal Welfare Act in Finland has also introduced an obligation for veterinarians to notify the authorities of hereditary defects and diseases that exclude dogs from breeding. The information will be collected in an official dog register and will be made public. This raises a number of questions, according to Sainio. For example: Which diseases are covered by the obligation to report? Are all diseases and defects equal? Can the information on dogs be transferred to the FKC's breeding database? Will the obligation to report result in dogs being left untreated or treated abroad? The FKC fears that dog breeding could spiral out of control if regulation is perceived as too restrictive. There is already evidence of an increase in unregulated breeding and puppy mills of small companion dogs. Swedish Customs has reported a record number of smuggled dogs. The phenomenon can be seen throughout Europe. Sainio asked what to do next. Can unhealthy breeds be changed? "Yes, they can," she replied. Do we need to change these breeds? "Yes, we do.". The health and welfare of the dogs really needs to be a priority in breeding. Change requires cooperation and a positive attitude from all parties. Blaming will not help anyone. Vilma Reunanen went through the exaggerated characteristics of dogs and the health problems they cause The next part of the webinar was a presentation by Vilma Reunanen on exaggerated traits in dogs. Reunanen began by saying that every dog deserves a normal physical structure and a healthy mind. A dog should be able to live a species-typical, effortless, and painless life. Reunanen went through several exaggerated features of dogs and asked if we are perhaps used to unhealthy structures. The many exaggerations of canine anatomy and their consequences for the welfare of dogs can be seen in veterinary practices. Exaggerated, unhealthy structures can be seen in the dog's spine, limbs, head shape, and size. According to Reunanen, one of the things that can be considered excessive is the overuse of popular males in breeding, which leads to inbreeding and the spread of disease genes. Too much is also too much when it comes to the temperament of the dogs," says Reunanen. Some dogs have been bred to be too lively and restless, while others have been bred to be too soft and sensitive. Many breeds have a lot of dogs that cannot cope with everyday life, dogs that are very fearful. Reunanen herself prefers pedigree dogs because of their predictability. However, breeders and show judges have to admit that some breeds have unhealthy traits, and most breeds have hereditary diseases that need to be tackled more vigorously. Only by recognising this can we breed healthier dogs. Final debate called for more effective action to promote dog health At the end of the webinar, Sainio, Reunanen and Lilja-Maula answered questions from the audience and discussed dog health and ways to make health a priority in breeding. They pointed out that many breeds have changed a lot since the breed standards were written. Breeding should aim at the original type and structure of the breed, from which there has been a sometimes very unhealthy divergence over the years. Furthermore, the panelists pointed out that each country can influence the breeding and development of its own breeds, whereas breeds "owned" by other countries are more difficult to influence. Finland is responsible for guiding the breeding of its national breeds and setting their breed standards. Its national breeds, the Finnish Spitz, Karelian Beard, Finnish Hound, Finnish Lapponian Dog, and Lapponian Herder have fortunately remained original in their structure and working qualities, and have not developed any extreme traits. According to Sainio, Finland is on the right track, but some things are stagnating. She stated there should be more action, and health should really be the number one priority in breeding. She hopes that legislation will provide the impetus for action. Fortunately, the Finnish legislature has its feet on the ground, and it seems that no breeding bans, for example, are on the way. A breeding regulation under the Animal Welfare Act is currently awaited to deal with hereditary diseases and extreme traits. Finland is perhaps the country with the highest number of screened dogs in the world The Finnish Animal Welfare Act stipulates that a breeding dog must be healthy and well. Kirsi Sainio pointed out that disease screening is an important tool for breeding healthier dogs. As scientific research provides more information about breed-specific hereditary diseases, the veterinary profession will also develop new screening tests. In Finland, dog owners and breed clubs have been very active in participating in various research studies. Many breeds have been involved in studies of hereditary diseases, which has led to the development of tests for these diseases. Liisa Lilja-Maula pointed out that the results of screening tests must be used effectively. X-rays alone will not improve hip health in dogs, but the results must be used systematically in the selection of breeding dogs. Making health and well-being a priority in breeding The panelists agreed that the health and well-being of dogs should be a priority in dog ownership and breeding, and that this should not be a source of confrontation among stakeholders. All stakeholders must play their part in maintaining and promoting this. It is in the dog's interest to perform well in the task for which it has been bred. A physically and mentally healthy dog is best able to do this.
  18. Our HGTD Project Director, Aimée Llewellyn-Zaidi, was a presenter at the 2024 Embark Canine Health Summit. Her presentation covered the value/benefits of health testing, simple tools for understanding/interpreting health results, & tips for sharing health test information with new puppy owners.
  19. This article on German Shepherds is part of a series to highlight the Big Picture of health, welfare and breeding and to help develop Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profiles (GRIHPs) for many breeds. See IPFD's Get a GRIHP! on Breed Health Initiative This is a 'living document' - so if anyone has more material to share or point us to - please let us know! Photo: Freepik
  20. In This Issue: News & Highlights 2024 Year-End Review ...and a Look Ahead at 2025 Get Involved Make a Donation Stay Informed!
  21. Wisdom Panel and Embark have new features in their tests that may be of interest to dog breeders and owners: Wisdom Panel’s new Behaviors feature Wisdom Panel Premium test has a new feature called Behaviors. The feature includes these 15 analyses related to dog behavior: Nesting Crossing paws General fear and anxiety Splooting Propensity to gain weight Pointing Avoids getting wet Friendly towards strangers Hesitant toward strangers Anal sacs need expression Reverse sneezing Motion sickness Panting Sleeps on back Separation anxiety Behavioral traits are complex, with hundreds of gene variants at play, as well as the environment that further shapes the traits. That is why Wisdom Health's Behaviors feature uses complex statistical models to analyse hundreds of genetic variants, rather than just one, as most disease tests do. With this new feature, dog owners will be able to better understand their dogs and help them grow and develop into the most balanced adults possible. For example, if a dog has a genetic likelihood of developing separation anxiety, the owner can take proactive steps to help the dog feel calm and confident when left home alone. Or if a dog has a genetic likelihood of being anxious, the owner can focus on socialising the puppy carefully so that the puppy grows up to be as confident and fearless as possible. Read more about the Behaviors feature here >>. New Embark for Breeders Pair Predictor Tool Embark has a new, automated Punnett Square calculator called Pair Predictor that helps breeders understand the potential health risks for puppies produced by a particular sire and dam. Using Pair Predictor, breeders can compare the genetic health results of a potential sire and dam, which have Embark test results. After choosing the mating, Pair Predictor will show the probabilities of producing at-risk, carrier, and/or clear puppies for each genetic condition. In addition to the potential genetic health risks for each litter, Pair Predictor includes the genetic eCOI for a planned litter, and the coat colour predictions for litters. Pair Predictor works with all breeds and all breed mixes. Read more about the Pair Predictor here >>. Additional Genetic Testing Resources IPFD's Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs (HGTD) resources include a searchable database of Genetic Test Providers (labs); genetic tests, and tests by breed, along with Genetic Counselling resources.
  22. Dedicated to providing the most comprehensive pedigree international database for Tibetan Spaniels online.

  24. IPFD Partner, The Raad van Beheer (RvB), has published the first five ‘foknormen’ (breeding norms) for breeding. The first breeds to have breeding norms are the Borzoi, the Beagle, the Manchester Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Breeding norms are mandatory pre-mating tests and/or screening results for a dog and bitch. These may include eye examinations or screening for hip or elbow dysplasia, or a minimum breeding age or a (positive) result of a behavioural test. The RvB consults with breed clubs about which requirements should apply to their breed(s). All published breeding norms can be found on this page >>. The link will take you to the breed information page where the breeding norms for the breed are published. You can find more information and resources for several of these breeds in IPFD's Pedigree Breeds Database here on DogWellNet: Borzoi | Beagle | Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  25. Breeding for health in pedigreed dogs Wageningen University in the Netherlands has completed an interesting project ‘Breeding for health in pedigreed dogs’. An excerpt from the project page: The “Science shop” of Wageningen University has set up this project in response to questions from three breeding organisations, with the aim to provide knowledge on how to better breed for healthy dogs and use the latest insights from scientific developments. Next to dealing with health problems, genetic management to preserve genetic diversity and prevent high inbreeding rates is essential. A high inbreeding rate caused by using too few and too related dogs in breeding will harm the health of the dogs. Consequently, excluding too many dogs for health reasons will restrict the genetic pool and may cause a too high rate of inbreeding with subsequent health problems. A balance between breeding for health and restricting inbreeding must be found. This has led to the central question of this research: How to set up breeding for healthy pedigreed dogs? A healthy dog is the aim both of dog owners, breeding organisations and society in general. In this report 4 questions are treated: How to deal with a multitude of hereditary health problems in a breed? Can breeding value estimation help to reduce health problems in dogs and how to design it? What is the value of DNA genotyping for estimation of kinships and inbreeding and thereby improving the health of dogs? When and how to set up an outcross, and what does it contribute to the health of the dogs? Tackling health problems is not easy, because the problems are complex and knowledge of genetics is often scarce. Although the task ahead is considerable, there are clear starting points. To manage inbreeding rates the use of mean kinships is most effective and recommended. Additional to that, this report provides specific recommendations on how to deal with the four subjects mentioned above. The project has produced four publications: a full report on the project (in Dutch) by Rita Hoving and Jack Windig, downloadable from the project page (link below) an e-book ‘Het fokken van rashonden - Omgaan met verwantschap en inteelt’ (Breeding of pedigree dogs: dealing with kinship and inbreeding) by Kor Oldenbroek and Jack Windig. The book was developed as part of the Kinship Project, which is an initiative of the IPFD partner Raad van Beheer, together with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. The Kinship Project is part of the Raad van Beheer's sustainable breeding policy: Towards the healthy purebred dog. a paper in the proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP) 2023 by Windig, Margarita and Doekes: Inbreeding and litter size in Dutch pedigreed dogs a poster at the 7th International Conference of Quantitative Genetics (2024) by Jack Windig and Rita Hoving: 'How to genetically manage inbred populations with a multitude of genetic diseases?’ A pdf of the poster can be downloaded from the project page at the link below. Read more about the project here >> Breeding wisely - Infographics on inbreeding To facilitate all levels of the animal breeding sector, the Centre for Genetic resources, the Netherlands (CGN) at the Wageningen University & Research has developed three infographics to explain the concept of inbreeding, its consequences and how to deal with it. The infographics are aimed specifically at owners and breeding organisations. The infographics have been translated into English in cooperation with the European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources (ERFP) network. In 2024, in collaboration with the European Reference Centre for Endangered Animal Breeds (EURC-EAB), the infographics have been translated into French. Futher translations into other languages will follow. You can read more and download the infographics here >>
  26. The Interview IPFD CEO Marc Ralsky recently commented on how better information-sharing can help us keep dogs in happy homes and tackle the issue of pet homelessness - as part of Mars Petcare's State of Pet Homelessness Project ‘Fur-Ever Home’ expert advisor series. Read the article here View all articles in the series
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